Номер: 13559372
Страна: Азербайджан
Источник: TED
Security Services for the Delegation of the European Union to Azerbaijan
The Delegation of the European Union to Azerbaijan plans to conclude a framework service contract with a single contractor specialized in the security of persons and property (offices, residence and accommodations of the Delegation). The main services to be provided may include the provision of security guards and alarm systems.
Baku, Azerbaijan
Refer to the procurement documents available at the address indicated in Section I.3).
In compliance with Art. 134(1)(e) of the Rules of Application (see Point 3 of the tender specifications at the address stated in Point I.3 above), the contract value may be increased by up to 50 % of the initial contract amount via a negotiated procedure.
Within 2 months of the notification to the plaintiff, or, in absence thereof, of the day on which it came to the knowledge. A complaint to the European Ombudsman does not have as an effect either to suspend this period or to open a new period for lodging appeals.