UNDP-MDG-00481- Acquisition de motocyclette électrique (Тендер №113636199ru)


Страна: Албания
Язык: EN
Номер: 113636199
Дата публикации: 07-11-2024


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The client invites suitable service providers to submit quotations for the appointment of a service provider to train ward committees on minute taking and report writing. Specifications: - Appointing accredited service provider to train 54 ward committees on minute-taking and report writing. This capacity building is to capacitate ward committees who are below NQF level 4. It is compulsory for the Facilitator to be fluent in both Isixhosa and English. The level of education for the candidates is below grade 12. The duration of the training must be a maximum of 3 days, - The client will be responsible for the Venue and Catering, - Purpose of the training: The learners working towards the completion of this training will be working within a Ward Committee structure, where the acquisition of competence against this standard will add value to one"s report writing skills and minute taking skills. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

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