12-11地板革询比采购公告 (Тендер №96981130ru)


Страна: Китайская Народная Республика
Язык: CN
Номер: 96981130
Дата публикации: 27-12-2023


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Procurement of 0730-234011SZ0444/09 GreaTech Substrates (WuXi) Co., Ltd. Project-Vacuum Film Sticking Machine(1) Источник: www.chinabidding.com

Procurement of 0729-234OIT292806 High power Flat noodles laser and femtosecond optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier procurement project of Shenzhen Institute of Integrated Particle Facilities(1) Источник: www.chinabidding.com

Agreement for Supply of Manpower for Procurement Department in Bapco Refining Источник: Tender Board - Kingdom of Bahrain

Procurement of 0730-234011SZ0429/06 GreaTech Substrates Co., Ltd. Project-Special test machine(1) Источник: www.chinabidding.com

Procurement of 0730-234011SZ0429/05 GreaTech Substrates Co., Ltd. Project-Special test machine(1) Источник: www.chinabidding.com

Erratum: Extension of Closing Date: Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a pre-qualified list of service providers who specialise in general research, market research, monitoring & evaluation and knowledge management for a fixed period of three (3) years. Scope of work: The following provides and overview of some of the projects required for KM management within the province. However, the list is not exhaustive: - Knowledge Management Advocacy & Training: Awareness campaigns to onboard the officials within the province on Knowledge Management practices. Development of a communication to set the ground for effective KM Implementation. Awareness campaign strategy to follow when generating awareness and a change plan for adoption. Development of a Knowledge Management Training plan and guides for all the KM practitioners withing GPG. KM training to be provided on a continuous basis, as-and-when new KM practitioners are appointed. - Knowledge Management Maturity Assessments: Coordination of broad Knowledge Management maturity assessment for GPG departments to understand and highlight where critical knowledge resides, identify the gaps (areas where additional knowledge is needed) as well as identify the effectiveness of how knowledge is currently shared in the Departments. - Knowledge Management Strategy and Implementation Plan: Development of a GPG-wide Knowledge Management Policy and Strategy, Implementation Plan. - Knowledge Management Change Management Framework: Development of a Change Management Framework to assist the officials with understanding and managing the different aspects and stages of the change Knowledge Management practices carries, such as the culture, people, processes, and outcomes involved. - Knowledge Base Development: Building and maintaining a knowledge base for customer citizens support and employee training. The knowledge base should be kept up to date and user-friendly. - Content Creation: Creating content like articles, videos, and tutorials for knowledge sharing. - Data Entry and Information Extraction: Transcribing handwritten documents, digitizing archives, and extracting valuable information from various sources. - Knowledge audits: To audit the file plans of departments and compliance to ISO standards. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS