UGVE Travaux de restauration du bocage. (Тендер №103838515ru)


Страна: Франция
Язык: FR
Номер: 103838515
Дата публикации: 04-05-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to provide security guarding services for the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) at Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden for a period of three (3) months. Scope of work: The KNBG requires a Security Service Provider to provide security guarding services through guards, access and exit control, monitoring and for reaction to unauthorized entry into the KNBG and the securing of buildings and the premises. The main scope of the provision of security services to the KNBG is focused on the landscaped and natural area of 500 ha where the highest visitor and staff activity takes place as well as all the visitors and staff infrastructure such as offices, staff houses, restaurant, and other buildings. The Security Service Provider is required to provide security guarding services 24 hours a day as specified within the KNBG. In addition, from time-to-time additional guards may be required for special functions, exhibitions or meetings to be held in the KNBG. This will be arranged separately to the standard contract, but an indication must be given to the availability of such ad hoc guards and the notice period for obtaining this additional service. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

CapeNature invites tenders for the repairs, maintenance, supply and installation of burglar bars at Groot Winterhoek Bars. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Réaménagement et extension multi-accueil Gribouille. Источник: Marchesonline - public procurement portal

Fourniture de lubrifiants et graisses pour le parc véhicules et engins de la Ville de Metz et de l"Eurométropole de Metz. Источник: Marchesonline - public procurement portal

Refection Du Sol Sportif Du Gymnase De Lemberg Et De La Salle Omnisports De Bitche. Источник: Marchesonline - public procurement portal

Travaux d"assainissement - eaux usées - Cléguérec /Gueltas/Silfiac. Источник: Marchesonline - public procurement portal