Concession de service public d"eau potable et d"assainissement collectif. (Тендер №105256593ru)


Страна: Франция
Язык: FR
Номер: 105256593
Дата публикации: 31-05-2024
Окончание подачи заявок через: 14 дней


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Re-advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a suitable service provider for training of Protection of Personal Information Act to level 3 to 7 staff for 4 days, Quantity: 100: Course Outcome: After successful completion of the course the qualifying learner is capable of: 1. Safeguarding Privacy in the digital age, 2. The Right to privacy, 3. Purpose of POPIA, 4. Personal information versus information, 5. Personal information versus confidential information, 6. Categorizing personal information, 7. Lawful processing of personal information, Course contents: Training of POPIA which are: • Purpose of POPIA, • Personal Information, • Lawful processing of personal information, • Key stakeholders, • Overview of the POPIA, • Relevant legislation and regulations, • Responsible parties, • Available forms, • International Data protection and practice, • Future Data protection, • Why should South Africans care? • Data Security practice, • Impact of unlawful actions, • Specific Assessments. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider for the supply and erection of bird control wire mesh to the Council for Geoscience in Silverton Office. Specifications: - Erect wire mesh screen for control of birds. Area underneath Block D and A bridge, Estimated working Height = 2.5m, Qty: 12m²; - Erect wire mesh screen for control of birds. Area outside air ventilation bricks, library emergency staircases, Estimated working height =8m, Qty: 67m²; - Erect wire mesh screen for control of birds. Area outside Block A Basement HVAC pipes entry area, Estimated working height =2,5m, Qty: 18m²; - Erect wire mesh screen for control of birds. Area underneath Block A and B bridge, Estimated working height = 2.5m, Qty: 37m²; - Erect wire mesh screen for control of bird. Area underneath main gate under roof, Estimated working height = 5m, Qty: 146m². Wire mesh Screen Specification: - Stainless steel; - Corrosion resistant; - 2mm Wire thickness; - 25 ±1mm x 25 ±1mm mesh size; - Hole geometry = square shape; - Welded mesh; - Minimal maintenance; - Long term performance. Department: Supply Chain Management. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Informal tenders are hereby invited for the following: Tees plain ended 150mm x 50mm iron class rillson coated blue, Quantity: 3, Unit: Each. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Prestations de mise en place de plants pour les unités de production Drôme-Ardèche, Isère, Ain-Loire-Rhône et Montagnes d"Auvergne Источник: Marchesonline - public procurement portal

Maîtrise d"oeuvre urbaine et des espaces publics pour l"opération d"aménagement La Noue Caillet Источник: Marchesonline - public procurement portal

Délégation de l"exploitation cinématographique de la salle de cinéma " La trace ", de 132 places. Источник: Marchesonline - public procurement portal