Réalisation de la mission de maîtrise d"Oeuvre concernant la construction d"une soixantaine de logements sociaux - Av de l"Abbaye (Тендер №106021447ru)


Страна: Франция
Язык: FR
Номер: 106021447
Дата публикации: 16-06-2024
Окончание подачи заявок через: 21 дней


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: legal liability training provider. Scope: The NSFAS requires urgent training of identified officials, the course is presented in the form of theoretical sessions, case studies and demonstrations. The course must be SAQA unit approved and covers both compliances as well as demonstrating knowledge in terms of roles and responsibilities. Topics should include and not limited to: 1. Legal Liability; 2. Civil and Criminal Liability; 3. Basis for Legal Existence; 4. Implication of Non-Compliance; 5. Legal Compliance; 6. Duties and Accountabilities; 7. Management & Compliance; 8. Management Communication & Training; 9. Risk Assessment and Control measurements; 10. Documents & Records. Upon completion of the course: • Ensure legal liability of work areas; • Reduce legal liability; • Understand the duties and responsibility employers to their employees; • Take responsibility of all health and safety of workers in the workplace; • Promote a healthy and safe environment; • Approve certain appointment of health and safety activities in a facility; • Conduct workplace risk assessments; • Understand the provision of resources. Total number of employees: 20. Contract Period: Once-off. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the following: Atlantis: Mehete Chickens: Construction of a security fence. Scope of Works: - Fencing should only be erected around 1 x chicken house; - Clearing of fence line; - Wooden posts; - Galvanized wire mesh fencing; - Galvanized wire fencing; - Pedestrian gates. The works, as described, are required on the farm which is situated approximately 12.5 kilometers south of Atlantis on the R304. As the works are urgent, the successful bidder must have the capacity to start the works within 7 (seven) days of appointment. Contract Period: The completion period of this service is (one) 1 month starting from the day of appointment. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to do a survey and produce an approved SG diagram of approximately 70,65 hectares of the farm lot FP 265 number 7667 FS, in total extent of 124,1905 hectares, situated in the Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma Local Municipality within the Harry Gwala District municipality, in KwaZulu Natal Province. Scope of work: (a) In close consultation and by prior arrangement and agreement with the representatives, the appointed land surveyor will survey the land portions in accordance with the provisions of the Land Survey Act No. 8 of 1997 and the Regulations promulgated thereunder. The diagrams for subdivision are to be prepared and submitted to the Surveyor-General"s office for approval together with the required consents as mentioned. The proposed subdivisions are roughly shown on the layout plans. The quoted areas are approximate and subject to final survey. The quoted designations have been reserved by my office for this survey; (b) The land surveyor, in consultation with the Control Geomatics Professional (Mr. GS Shabane), must ensure that the proposed subdivision have access; (c) The land surveyor will point out the final beacons of the new portions to the mentioned representatives and submit a beacon certificates, signed by such representatives, together with the survey records submitted to the Surveyor-General"s office; (d) In the event of the land surveyor noting any serious anomaly or being in a position to make suggestions concerning the simplification on any of the procedures, he/she must communicate with the Surveyor-General"s office (Ms. Zandile Mzobe) for further instructions. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) requires a service provider for tree felling service for 5 years. Contract duration: Five (5) years. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Délégation des services publics d"eau potable des et d"assainissement collectif pour ses territoires intercommunaux. Источник: Marchesonline - public procurement portal

Dommages aux biens. Источник: Marchesonline - public procurement portal