Remplacement de la structure artificielle d"escalade au bâtiment 35 du campus de Beaulieu (Тендер №115911286ru)


Страна: Франция
Язык: FR
Номер: 115911286
Дата публикации: 13-12-2024


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Proposals are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of day to day of cleaning material. The scope must include the following: 1. Jik bleach 750 ml x 60; 2. Handy Andy 750ml x 60; 3. Sunlight liquid 750ml x 60; 4. Pine gel 5L x 15; 5. Bleach 5l (Jik) x 30; 6. Clear refuse bags 750 x 950 40mic x 200 x 20; 7. Bin liners H/D 30micron clear 480 x 560 25mic x 1000 x 20; 8. Handy Andy 5L x 10; 9. Kitchen green gloves x 30; 10. Terry dishcloth 100% 35cm x 35cm 10s x 15; 11. Terry dishcloth 100% 10s 45cm x 45cm x 15; 12. Black refuse black 10 packs x 10; 13. Nu-smell plus 5l x 5; 14. Nu-action 3 5l x 5; 15. Nu-Bioscrub 5l x 5; 16. Nu-Kleenmell 5l x 5; 17. Nu-smell plus spray bottle 750ml x 20; 18. Nu-Action 3 spray bottle 750 ml x 20; 19. Nu-Bioscrub spray bottle 750ml x 20; 20. Nu-Kleenmell spray bottle 750 ml x 20; 21. Kitchen mops x 30; 22. Kitchen yellow gloves x 30. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the review and restructure investment and lending policies. Scope: The service provider is required to review and restructure investment and lending policies. The primary objective is to delineate policies from guidelines, resulting in a separate document for guidelines instead of incorporating them within the policy documents. There are currently 11 investment and lending policies: 1. Investment Policy; 2. Appointment of Nominee Directors; 3. Related Party Transaction Policy; 4. Loan Pricing Policy; 5. Credit Policy; 6. Investment Exit and Disposal Policy; 7. Equity Policy; 8. Equity Pricing and Valuation Policy; 9. Write off Policy; 10. Triggering Significance Increase in Risk Policy; 11. BEE Facilitation Guide. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

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