Sanierung Berliner Straße (Тендер №103014898ru)


Страна: Германия
Язык: DE
Номер: 103014898
Дата публикации: 17-04-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Expressions of Interest are hereby invited for the following: Photography Services for Durban University of Technology Graduation Ceremonies. The Durban University of Technology (DUT) is seeking expressions of interest from qualified service providers for the provision of photography services during its 2024 Autumn and Spring graduation ceremonies. Taking place as follows: 13 and 14 May 2024, Pietermaritzburg (Indumiso Campus, Imbali) and 20 May 2024 to 28 May 2024 Durban (venue to be confirmed). There will be approximately 28 graduation ceremonies across the two seasons. The service provider/s will be responsible for capturing memorable moments of the ceremonies, adhering to a provided schedule, and maintaining professional standards throughout the process. While the Department of Audio Visual will handle video recording, the photography services will include stage photographs, order processing, and printing facilities. Technical Specifications: • Standard digital cameras with lenses ranging from 55mm to 200mm focal length; • Two sets of backup camera equipment; • Studio pack capable of high-speed flashing at a distance of 10m and delivering flashes every 3 sec; • Portable backdrop for various types of photographs; • Digital printers ensuring high-quality prints with a minimum 300 dpi resolution; • Visible display indicating package deals, pricing, and ordering procedures; • Processors capable of printing 30 x 40cm enlargements; • Photographer"s references and name to appear on the reverse of photographs; • Payment facilities including credit card, cash, cheque, and electronic banking. Please note that this EOI was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appoint service provider for the supply and delivery of UPVC and HDPE Pipes for BB-Kloof Depot. Specifications: 1. 110mm x 6m U-PVC pressure pipe, SANS966-1-2010 CL9 x 15, 2. 50mm x 6m blue UPVC pressure pipe, SANS966-1-2010 CL9 x 40, 3. 63mm x 6m pressure pipe, SANS966-1-2010 CL9 x 40, 4. 75mm x 6m pressure pipe, SANS966-1-2010 CL9 x 30, 5. 90mm x 6m pressure pipe, SANS966-1-2010 CL9 x 30, 6. 200mm x 6m pressure pipe, SANS966-1-2010 CL16 x 20, 7. 50mm x 100m HDPE or black polythene pipes class 10 x 4, 8. 63mm x 100m HDPE or black polythene pipes class 10 x 4. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

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Rahmenvertrag für die Durchführung von Oberbauschweißarbeiten Источник:

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Sanierung Berliner Straße Источник: