Beschaffung 2 Stück Mähraupen für die Straßenmeistereien Altenberg und Langburkersdorf (Тендер №105425322ru)

Страна: Германия
Язык: DE
Номер: 105425322
Дата публикации: 03-06-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Information is hereby requested for the following: Overland pipe installation in Marikana. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of electrical items at Ennerdale Depot. Specifications: 1. IP65 200w LED Flood Light tampered proof with mounting bracket, qty: 30; 2. IP66 300w LED Flood Light tampered proof with mounting bracket, qty: 10; 3. 16A day & night switch with mounting bracket, qty: 10; 4. 2-foot LED Fluorescent tube lights (1 side Positive & Negative on the other side), qty: 20; 5. 4-foot LED Fluorescent tube lights (1 side Positive & Negative on the other side), qty: 60; 6. 5-foot LED Fluorescent tube lights (1 side Positive & Negative on the other side), qty: 60; 7. 2-foot LED Fluorescent Single tube fittings (1 side Positive & Negative on the other side), qty: 10; 8. 2-foot LED Fluorescent Double tube fittings (1 side Positive & Negative on the other side), qty: 10; 9. 4-foot LED Fluorescent Double tube fittings (1 side Positive & Negative on the other side), qty: 30; 10. 4-foot LED Fluorescent Triple tube fittings (1 side Positive & Negative on the other side), qty: 30; 11. 5-foot LED Fluorescent Double tube fittings (1 side Positive & Negative on the other side), qty: 30; 12. 5-foot LED Fluorescent Triple tube fittings (1 side Positive & Negative on the other side), qty: 30; 13. 3 Pole Isolator switch 100 amp, qty: 3; 14. 3 Pole Isolator switch 80 amp, qty: 3; 15. 3 Pole Isolator switch 63 amp, qty: 6; 16. 2 Pole Isolator switch 63 amp, qty: 6; 17. 1 Pole Isolator switch 63 amp, qty: 3; 18. 1 Pole Isolator switch 40 amp, qty: 3; 19. 1 Pole Isolator switch 25 amp, qty: 10; 20. 1 Pole Isolator switch 20 amp, qty: 10; 21. Double 4x4 wall plug sockets, qty: 10; 22. Single 4x4 wall plug sockets, qty: 10; 23. 2 Lever 1 way light switch, qty: 10; 24. 4 Lever 1 way light switch, qty: 10; 25. 2.5mm 3 core electrical cable 100m roll, qty: 3; 26. 1.5mm 3 core electrical cable 100m roll, qty: 2. Notes: All items to be supplied must be SABS approved. Address: 2 James Street, Extension 1, Ennerdale, 1830. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of catering and venue for four days. Specifications: - Venue hire including catering; - Equipment required in the venue are projector, flip chart, white board marker, to accommodate 72 delegates in total; - The meetings will be separated into two days at a time accommodating 36 delegates; - The venue should be a 3 Star rated, with facilities such as projector flip chart, white board marker with markers in 3 assorted colours, note pad, pen, and sweets on desks. - The venue should have two break away rooms that can accommodate 15 people each (for two days only); - The big boardroom should be able accommodate 35 people at once; - The venue should not be more than 6km radius from Metrobus Head Office; - Dates of the meeting will be communicated with the successful service provider. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of safety shoes for housekeeping, cleaning and hygiene staff for a period of 24 months as and when required. Specifications: - Male General Cleaners - Safety shoe x 1; - Male General Cleaners - Formal shoe x 1; - Female General Cleaners - Safety Shoes x 1; - Female General Cleaners - Formal shoes (Push) x 1; - Female General Cleaners - Formal shoes (Loafer) x 1; - Male Maintenance - Safety Shoes x 1; - Male Maintenance - Formal Shoes x 1; - Female Maintenance - Safety Shoes x 1; - Female Maintenance - Soft Shoes (Push) x 1; - Female Maintenance - Soft Shoes (Loafer) x 1; - Male Service Officers - Formal Shoes x 1; - Female Service Officers - Soft Shoes (Push) x 1; - Female Service Officers - Soft (Loafer) x 1; - Male Management Safety Shoes x 1; - Female Management Safety Shoes x 1. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bauleistung Unnaustraße Источник:

Reparatur der Gewässerverrohrung Odenbach in Blens - Stadt Heimbach Источник: