Linksabbiegespur Anbindung Feuerwache DT Nord an die K 87 (Тендер №108002644ru)


Страна: Германия
Язык: DE
Номер: 108002644
Дата публикации: 24-07-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Provision of work for coal and mill reject plants operating service at Kriel Power Station for a period of sixty (60) months. Scope of work: The scope covers the operation of coal and mill reject plants, operated according to Eskom requirements, operating procedures, operating instructions and operating manuals. The contractor shall provide coal and mill reject plant operators, safety officers, training officers and a clerk. Coal and mill reject plants are operating on a 24-hour, 7-days continuous operation, including weekends and public holidays. The teams or shifts will be working four (4) shift cycles of twelve hours each. The plant operators shall undergo Eskom coal and mill reject plant operating training and shall be declared competent to operate the coal plant. The total number of coal plant operators required per shift shall be seven (7) under the plant operators, seven (7) bunker operators and a supervisor, bringing the total number of personnel per shift to fifteen (15). The total number of personnel required shall be sixty (60), comprising of fifty-six (56) plant operators and four (4) supervisors, working four (4) shift cycle. The total number of mills reject plant operators required per shift is six (6) operators and a supervisor, bringing the total number of personnel per shift to seven (8). The total number of personnel required shall be twenty-eight (28), comprising of twenty-four (24) mills reject plant operators and four (4) supervisors, working four (4) shift cycle. In addition to the plant operators, the contractor shall provide one clerk who will do administration work at coal & ash department. Two safety officers (one for coal plant and the other one for mill reject plant) will be required on full-time basis for the duration of the contract. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

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