Doppelspinde mit Unterbausitzbank für Bauhof Selfkant (Тендер №110188295ru)


Страна: Германия
Язык: DE
Номер: 110188295
Дата публикации: 02-09-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Purchase of industrial draughtsman chair with nylon foot ring x 10 units. Specifications: • Made with black polyurethane; • Nylon foot ring; • Backrest height and tilt adjustment; • Seat height adjustment; • Swivel Mechanism; • Draughtsman gas spindle; • Black Nylon base; • 50mm - 60mm castor. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a reputable audit firm to conduct communication and stakeholder engagement audit. Scope of work: The preliminary scope of work will include the following: • Review the adequacy and effectiveness of the stakeholder strategy, plans, policy and procedures and alignment to the City, • Review progress made on implementation of the stakeholder communication strategy and plan (s), • Review identification of key stakeholders and implementation of communication and engagements plans, • Review the effectiveness of risk management specific to reputation, communication and stakeholder management, • Review the use of technology to manage reputation and engage stakeholders, • Review implementation of key stakeholders, agreements, • Review the effectiveness of communication and stakeholder engagements on flagship projects (e.g separation at source, illegal dumping, sweep campaign, etc), • Review capacity to ensure acceleration of communication and stakeholder management, • Crisis management and alternative dispute resolutions, • Follow-up on audit findings raised in previous financial years. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Regenwasserkanalerweiterung Grauwallring (BELG-2024-0004) Источник:

Erweiterte Rohbauarbeiten, V0382/2024, KuFZ Hohwisch (V0382/2024) Источник:

Los 3 Metallbauarbeiten Источник:

Programmierfähige Universal-Fräsmaschine Источник: