4420 Elektro-, Sicherheits- und Informationstechnische Anlagen (Photovoltaikanlagen) (24-33554) (Тендер №114528773ru)


Страна: Германия
Язык: DE
Номер: 114528773
Дата публикации: 21-11-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the provision of training services for operating a Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP), qty: 8 learners. Scope: The service provider must: a) Render an outcomes-based training programme that supports formative and summative assessment(s), b) Conduct pre-assessments to determine the entry levels of learners (where required), c) Provide skilled and experienced facilitator(s) who shall be dedicated in providing facilitation services at any of the municipal venue(s), in accordance with the nationally acceptable norms and standards, d) Assist the municipality in the coordination and monitoring of the relevant training programme by means of monthly reports per learner, e) Submit comprehensive monthly reports on learner progress and attendance registers, f) Provide exit level Outcome: Trained and Competent learner, g) Be open for customisation in line with the core functions of the municipality. Learners will be on different levels and implementation levels may differ. Provider should be able to accommodate this in the facilitation and assessment methods. Facilitation must be rendered with the learner in mind. Adult learning must be taken into consideration. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to assist with vulnerability and penetration testing assessment for two (2) years. Scope: Vulnerability Assessments: Internal Vulnerability scans: - Run quarterly internal vulnerability scans to determine weaknesses that could be exploited by internal threats or attackers who gain access to the internal network, - The scope will include all internal web applications, databases and API’s, - Conduct both Authenticated and Non-Authenticated scans, - Provide Quarterly Internal vulnerability scan reports with remedial tasks, External Vulnerability scans: - Run Quarterly External Vulnerability scans identifying security weaknesses exposed to the internet, - The scope will include public-facing web servers, web applications, VPN endpoints, DNS entries and exchange servers, - Provide Quarterly Internal vulnerability scan reports with remedial tasks, Penetration Tests: - Grey Box Internal Network Assessment Run Bi-annual Grey Box Exercise that includes: - Vulnerability scanning or Nmap scans, - Exploitation of identified vulnerabilities, External Vulnerability scans: - Run Quarterly External Vulnerability scans identifying security weaknesses exposed to the internet, - The scope will include public-facing web servers, web applications, VPN endpoints, DNS entries and exchange servers, - Provide Quarterly Internal vulnerability scan reports with remedial tasks, Penetration Tests: - Grey Box Internal Network Assessment Run Bi-annual Grey Box Exercise that includes: - Vulnerability scanning or Nmap scans, - Exploitation of identified vulnerabilities. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of anti-virus software license for 1-year duration. Specifications: - 220 x Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange, - 200 x Protection Standard, - Validity Period of at least 12 Months, - Latest version. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of engineering consulting firm for the renovations of the client"s two student accommodation buildings. Scope of works: Please note: the following are the minimum identified items that will require the service provider’s attention. The scope may vary due to the nature of work. Renovations: • Assess the renovation requirements for both residences, • Determine accurate costs for materials, labour, and services, • Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standard building codes, • Repair flooring as per findings, • Cover cracks on the walls, • Paint walls as per university standards, • Replace doors and windows as needed, • Repair all damaged areas and ensure compliance with relevant building codes and regulations. Electrical Reticulation Refurbishment: • Refurbish electrical reticulation systems as needed, • Replace missing light fittings and switches, • Inspect electrical wiring and conduits. Plumbing and Drainage Refurbishment: • Install new plumbing and drainage system and ensure compliance with relevant building codes and regulations, • Inspect plumbing and drainage systems. Fire equipment Refurbishment: • Install new firefighting equipment and ensure compliance with relevant building codes and regulations, • Inspect firefighting equipment. Ensure at the end that both buildings are ready for occupation as required by the eThekwini Municipality. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited from a service provider to clear vegetation underneath Sundumbili/Isithebe 132kv line 1 and 2 from Sundumbili substation. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

4420 Elektro-, Sicherheits- und Informationstechnische Anlagen (Photovoltaikanlagen) (24-33554) Источник: eVergabe.de