A52,AS Kaarst-Büderich,Verkehrssicherung (Тендер №114601796ru)


Страна: Германия
Язык: DE
Номер: 114601796
Дата публикации: 22-11-2024


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Ведущая поисковая система по тендерам и закупкам России и мира

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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Re-advertisement of contract number: RFQ-2024 – 011-004: Quotations are hereby invited for the provision of Oracle Managed Services for a period of 6 months. Scope of work: The Oracle managed services provider will deliver on-demand support for the Client’s Oracle ERP environment, encompassing technical, functional, and emergency support as outlined: - Technical Support will cover troubleshooting and resolution of technical issues affecting system stability and performance and incident management to address system downtime. Configuration adjustments may also be required to align the Oracle ERP environment with operational requirements; - Functional Support includes providing on-demand support for Client users on Oracle ERP functionalities, processes, and best practices. Functional support also covers resolving issues such as data entry challenges, user access issues, and process flow adjustments to ensure continuity of operations; - Emergency Support involves rapid response for critical incidents requiring immediate intervention to prevent or minimize system downtime. This includes crisis management for severe system issues affecting payroll, finance, human capital, and grant funding, and supply chain operations. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the supply, delivery and disposal of toner cartridges to the client for a period of three years. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Appointment of a service provider to assist the client in conducting a Business Impact Assessment (BIA), review, test and update the business continuity management plan (BCMP). Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to conduct the selection process for the filling of the vacant positions for Director of Community Services and Chief Financial Officer. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited to render document management services in line with the Provisions of the National Archives Act 43 of 1996 for a period of Thirty-Six (36) months. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Lieferung von Munition Источник: eVergabe.de