Markierung Bund 2025 Falkenstein - Reichenbach (Тендер №115444198ru)

Страна: Германия
Язык: DE
Номер: 115444198
Дата публикации: 05-12-2024


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Ведущая поисковая система по тендерам и закупкам России и мира

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  • Информация по победителям тендеров в нужном Вам формате
  • Удобное отображение и выгрузка информации

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  • Просмотр анонсов тендеров
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  • Просмотр части инфомации по победителям, поставщикам и заказчикам тендеров


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Re-Advertisement: Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for full turn-key managed information and communication services. Scope of work: Project Scope: 1. Dedicated ICT Service Desk Service: Provision of a dedicated ICT service desk for logging and tracking all support and service-related calls. 2. IT Service Management: The Service Provider is required to provide and perform the end-to-end delivery of IT Service Management services in line with the ITIL V4 framework, including the required tools to monitor and manage all services. The Service Management service set is a crucial element of this RFP as it looks holistically at all IT Services, including those provided by all vendors and CETA IT personnel, ensuring that all IT Services are managed and delivered effectively and seamlessly. 3. Server Support and Maintenance Services. 4. Local Area and Wi-Fi Network. 5. Wide Area Network: Provision of a fully managed Wide Area Network (WAN) with centralized internet breakout. Each office will have both primary and secondary last-mile network links to ensure highly available connectivity. 6. Internet Connectivity. 7. Infrastructure Monitoring. 8. IT Security Services. 9. IT and Security Management. 10. Cloud PBX and Microsoft Teams Telephony: The service provider must configure and support Microsoft Teams telephony, including user provisioning, call routing configurations, and troubleshooting. 11. Active Directory and Azure Active Directory Services. 12. Storage Systems. 13. Reporting. 14. Data Room. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the Provide Cleaning, Hygiene and Horticultural Services at Various Stations in the North West Province on an as & when basis for a period of 24 months. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

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ARV Baumpflege/-fällungen an Bundesstraßen, SM Bad Freienwalde 2025-27 Источник:

Geb.3531 Flachdachsanierung Источник:

Kalkulationsanfrage - IB_L364_Sueggerth_GK - Taubenabwehranlagen Источник: