Rohbau, Mauer-, Putz-, Abdichtungsarbeiten (Тендер №91563373ru)


Страна: Германия
Язык: DE
Номер: 91563373
Дата публикации: 04-10-2023


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Recruitment agency to submit CVs for the office manager on a fixed term contract. Scope of Work: • The Secretariats Office is looking to appoint an Office Manager; • The position will be temporary, for a period of three years; • The placement of the employee will be on the payroll of NLC; • Placement fee will be at a maximum of 15% for the period of the contract. Place where goods, works or services are required: Grosvenor Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, Tshwane, 0083. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Catering: Catering For Ethekwini Municipality and City Meet. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Major Service and maintenance of lifting equipment for a period of 12 months as-and-when it is required at CAH and WEH. Scope of work but not limited to: Major Service of SB40 1 x Two Post lift (Winterveldt Enterprise Hub) and 3 x Two post lift Corchi ERCO H3202 CBP, 4 x scissor jack lifts Corchi ERCO 505 (Chamdor Automotive Hub): • Check cables and sheaves for wear; • Replace cables showing any broken strands; • Replace worn parts as required with genuine parts; • Lubricate the four inside corners of the columns with heavy duty bearing grease; • Lubricate locking latch shafts. Push latch handle several times for oil to penetrate pivot points; • Check anchor bolts for tightness. Anchors should be torqued; • Check fluid level of lift power unit and refill if required per lift installation instructions; • Replace all caution, warning or safety related decals on the lift if unable to read or missing; • Tighten all suction line fittings; • Fill tank to proper level with ISOVG32 Hydraulic Oil or Dexron III ATF; • Clean lowering valve; • Change oil using ISOVG32 Hydraulic Oil or Dexron III ATF; • Adjust equalizer cables to correct tension; • Shim lift to level columns; • Adjust clamp at cable end per lift installation instructions; • Close air leaks; • Issue Service Certificates. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

External Electrification Works in Different Additional Areas of LDA Avenue-I Housing Schemes, Lahore Источник: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Auction of Parking Stand of DHQ Hospital Nankana Sahib Источник: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Elektro, Heidrand 5 Источник: