Wholesale Aluminium scrap 6063 / Aluminum UBC Scrap Used Beverage Can Scrap / 100% High quality Aluminum Wire Scrap (Тендер №113919868ru)


Страна: Индия
Язык: UK
Номер: 113919868
Дата публикации: 12-11-2024


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Informal tenders are hereby invited to supply & deliver terminations, heat shrink, outdoor 22KV, size range: 240-300mm with tails, Qty: 50.00, Unit: Each. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of an experienced and qualified service provider to provide Solar Autoclave System. Specifications: 1. 1 x FoxESS 8kVA Inverter (FOX8KW); 2. 1 x FoxESS LiFePO4 Battery 8.22kW (BATFOX8KW); 3. 15 x Solar Panel 550W (P550W); 4. 15 x Mounting Structure (Mount); 5. 1 x Essentials AC Distribution Board (AC-DB1); 6. 1 x Essentials DC Distribution Board (DC-DB2); 7. 1 x Phone Application; 8. 1 x SSEG/COC/Sundries (Consumables); 9. 1 x Autoclave SA-260MA-24 Litres (Consumables); 10. 1 x Labour. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of meter seals. Specifications: - Meter seals electrical, orange, Client printed, clear body, 7-digit serial number range (start 1000001) barcode equivalent, qty: 15 000.00; - Meter seals electrical, blue, Client printed, clear body, 7-digit serial number range (start 1000001) barcode equivalent, qty: 10 000.00; - Meter seals electrical, red, Client printed, clear body, 7-digit serial number range (start 1000001) barcode equivalent, qty: 15 000.00; - Meter seals electrical, yellow, Client printed, clear body, 7-digit serial number range (1000001) barcode equivalent, qty: 10 000.00. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby requested for Grap technical review of annual financial statements. Scope of work: A competent successful service provider and/or independent consultants should be experienced in delivering the following: 1. Review the Annual Financial Statements for validity, accuracy and completeness and ensure preparation in accordance with Standards of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP) including any interpretations, guidelines and directives issued by the Accounting Standards Board; 2. Review relevance of accounting policies to draft Annual Financial Statements and disclosure notes; 3. Provide technical opinion on the disclosure of some items on the annual financial statements; 4. Assist with GRAP technical review and responses to audit findings raised by the Auditor General; 5. Provide the client with a GRAP disclosure checklist as supporting documentation; 3.1.6 Present the status report to SANEDI Management whenever required. The following deliverables are expected from the service provider: 1. Technical report on review of annual financial statements; 2. Customized GRAP AFS Review checklist – prepared by the service provider; 3. The report and presentation must be presented to the client"s management. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Informal tenders are hereby invited to supply & deliver joint splicing kits (15-34mm) (length min. 270mm), P2; M2; J2; MT2; 91-A2, Unit: Each, Qty: 1200. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Informal tenders are hereby invited to supply & deliver joint boxes, straight, 95mm x 3 core, 11KV complete with all accessories. Units to be assembled by supplier, weak back ferrule to be included. Henley/H .E.D or approved equal, Qty: 38.00, Unit: Each. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS