Works including garbage collection and segregation from household and commercial establishments, road and drain cleaning and cleaning of community sanitary complex at Revenue Village of BHANGWA GP BHANGWA ps bhadra (Тендер №115168569ru)


Страна: Индия
Язык: EN
Заказчик: eProcurement System Government of Rajasthan
Номер: 115168569
Дата публикации: 01-12-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Works including garbage collection and segregation from household and commercial establishments, road and drain cleaning and cleaning of community sanitary complex at Revenue Village of PACHARWALI GP DHOBHI ps bhadra Источник: Central public Procurement portal India

Works including garbage collection and segregation from household and commercial establishments, road and drain cleaning and cleaning of community sanitary complex at Revenue Village of AT DHANI SWAMIYAN GP BHANGWA ps bhadra Источник: Central public Procurement portal India

Works including garbage collection and segregation from household and commercial establishments, road and drain cleaning and cleaning of community sanitary complex at Revenue Village of AT BHANGARH GP BHANGARH ps bhadra Источник: Central public Procurement portal India

Works including garbage collection and segregation from household and commercial establishments, road and drain cleaning and cleaning of community sanitary complex at Revenue Village of AT JHILODA GP BHANGARH ps bhadra Источник: Central public Procurement portal India

KUND BAWADI KE PASS NALE KE UPAR PULIYA NIRMAN KARYA Источник: Central public Procurement portal India

Works including garbage collection and segregation from household and commercial establishments, road and drain cleaning and cleaning of community sanitary complex at Revenue Village of GANGASINGHPURA GP BHANGWA ps bhadra Источник: Central public Procurement portal India