Construction and Installation of Brajendra Kumar Brahma Statue at Chalari Batabari Dotma (Тендер №115661619ru)

Страна: Индия
Язык: EN
Заказчик: eProcurement System Government of Assam
Номер: 115661619
Дата публикации: 09-12-2024


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Extension of closing date: Bids are hereby invited to appoint a service provider to provide the client with a turnkey solution for the acquisition, installation, and commissioning of a dual polarised S-Band weather radar system in Durban (Umhlanga), KZN. Scope: Phase 1: Decommissioning and Transportation of the existing radar equipment; Phase 2: Replacement of the existing radar with new S-Band dual-polarised weather radar system; Phase 3: Installation of the new S-Band dual polarised weather radar and Factory Acceptance (FAT); Phase 4: Commissioning and testing of newly installed S-Band, dual-polarized weather Radar; Phase 5: Site Inspection, Acceptance Test and Sign-off; Phase 6: Training to SAWS Employees; Phase 7: Maintenance and Warranty of the newly installed S-Band, dual-polarised radar. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement of contract number: Quotation 16: 2024/2025: Quotations are hereby invited for cleaning and repair of gutters. Specifications: 1. Repairs and cleaning of all gutters at the Client"s Head Office; 2. Paint per lines on balcony of Client"s Head Office-White; 3. Landscaping of garden of Client"s Head Office; 4. Successful contractor must employ 8 workers for a period of 20 days. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby requested for the itinerary for a Meetings Africa post tour for a group of 13 pax covering North West and Limpopo. Scope of works: Requirements: Design an itinerary and costs for the North West Province and Limpopo that will be suitable for this market • Pick up from Gauteng to North West: 27th February 2025, - Departure from North West: 1st March 2025, - Pick up from North West to Limpopo: 1st March 2025, - Departure from Limpopo: 3rd March. - Consideration: They will be departing for Cape Town, ideally from Polokwane Airport, - Number of Pax: 13 • Recommend Accommodation (The client will source directly): - Guests should be accommodated in individual rooms, • Leisure Activities, • All Meals for the duration of the trip, • Transfers from the Hotel to the preferred accommodation, to the different restaurant, activities as suggested, and to the Airport, • 2 Activities/Engagements (1 in North West and 1 in Limpopo) activity that offers an opportunity for the hosted guest to meet and engage with the South African Product Owners (SAPO) and business tourism trade from North West and Limpopo. This activity should showcase an unconventional way of hosting a business event and cater for a total of 40 guests (including the 12 hosted Guests), • The client will be responsible for the selection and invitation of the South African Product Owners and business tourism trade, • Photography personnel who will capture all the experiences. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the provision of awning for waste area in Mount Edgecombe Headquarters. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Mitigation of Flash Flood to Reducing Sediment and Water Yield at Jyotinagar Watershed in Sunsali Hills through Ecological Management Practices (EMPs) for the SDMF during 2022-23. Источник: Central public Procurement portal India

Balance Work Estimate for Improvement of Ahomgaon to Katakipara Road Sai Vikas School Road with both load Bearing Drain under SOPD G for the year 2023 24 Источник: Central public Procurement portal India