
Страна: Индия
Язык: EN
Номер: 80241667
Дата публикации: 15-03-2023


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Ведущая поисковая система по тендерам и закупкам России и мира

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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Prefab Classroom Extension (Temporay Rental Prefab Building 5 Years) Источник: ETenders

Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to provide music master support and maintenance for a period of five (5) years. Scope of Work Support & Maintenance: • 4 hour remote support for all music master scheduling broadcast emergencies; • 1 Business Day turnaround time all other support and maintenance requests; • Analysis of databases from radio stations to improve scheduling (2 times over a 5 year period for each radio station); • Analysis of user faults as required by system administrators; • Analysis of software faults when the system does act as required; • Bug Fixes; • Software upgrades as per Music Master 5 year plan; • Restoration of databases; • Reports on all user or system audit requests; • Training – At least one remote training sessions (all modules included) for 38 users in the 5-year period; • Training should also be provided with all major software upgrades. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to provide music master support and maintenance for a period of five (5) years. Scope of Work Support & Maintenance: • 4 hour remote support for all music master scheduling broadcast emergencies; • 1 Business Day turnaround time all other support and maintenance requests; • Analysis of databases from radio stations to improve scheduling (2 times over a 5 year period for each radio station); • Analysis of user faults as required by system administrators; • Analysis of software faults when the system does act as required; • Bug Fixes; • Software upgrades as per Music Master 5 year plan; • Restoration of databases; • Reports on all user or system audit requests; • Training – At least one remote training sessions (all modules included) for 38 users in the 5-year period; • Training should also be provided with all major software upgrades. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to provide music master support and maintenance for a period of five (5) years. Scope of Work Support & Maintenance: • 4 hour remote support for all music master scheduling broadcast emergencies; • 1 Business Day turnaround time all other support and maintenance requests; • Analysis of databases from radio stations to improve scheduling (2 times over a 5 year period for each radio station); • Analysis of user faults as required by system administrators; • Analysis of software faults when the system does act as required; • Bug Fixes; • Software upgrades as per Music Master 5 year plan; • Restoration of databases; • Reports on all user or system audit requests; • Training – At least one remote training sessions (all modules included) for 38 users in the 5-year period; • Training should also be provided with all major software upgrades. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Maxwell AFB Air University Device as a Service Sources Sought Источник: Federal Business Opportunities