Purchase of Loader Auto Rikshaw 150 cc (Тендер №83951799ru)


Страна: Индия
Язык: EN
Номер: 83951799
Дата публикации: 12-05-2023


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

The United States Embassy in Pretoria requires the services of legal experts in the field of residential property acquisitions and conveyancing and invites firms to submit a financial proposal for the Provision of Real estate legal services (Pretoria). Scope: The U.S Embassy is intending to purchase one residential property in Pretoria, South Africa. The requested legal services must include, but will not be limited to: 1. Guidance in the acquisition process relating to the applicable property laws. (This will include discussions with our Office of Overseas Building Operations in the US.) 2. Document drafting and revising. 3. Assistance in negotiations. 4. Property title searches and certifications. The services are required by the United States Government (USG) in relation to the acquisition in freehold of real property in South Africa. The USG is seeking to purchase one single-family house/apartment/condo in each country where it has a diplomatic mission and lacks accessible housing. This unit is intended to be purchased for renovation/retrofit to Architectural Barries Act (ABA) accessibility standards. Services required include: (1) guidance in the acquisition process relating to the applicable laws in the host country; (2) document drafting and revising; (3) assistance in negotiations; (4) property title searches and certifications; (5) proper closing and registration of the transaction with the host government and compilation and submission of document closing package (hard copy and digital) to the USG. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Frame work contract for the Tender of medicines for Health welfare Committee of DHQ Teaching Hospital Gujranwala Источник: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

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