Auction of unserviceable Machinery, Tools, Equipment & Furniture at Govt. Technical Training Institute, Ahmad Murad Road, Sahiwal (Тендер №89015969ru)


Страна: Индия
Язык: EN
Номер: 89015969
Дата публикации: 11-08-2023


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Tools & Machinery: Supply of brush; paint; 75mm, qty: 100 each. Specifications: Brush: - Type: Paint; - Size: 75mm; - Polypropylene Handle with chrome plated lapped and pressed ferrules, long pure high quality, natural bristles, professional paint brush range; - Brand: Academy or Hamilton or equivalent. Delivery date: 2023/09/26. Delivery to: Logistics - Parow Store materials store. Delivery address: Arnold Wilhelm Street, Parow. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Civil, Road, Sewer, Plumbing & Engineering Supplies: Supply of brick; clay; solid non facing NFX, qty: 1,500 each. Delivery date: 2023/09/12. Delivery to: Logistics - Strand Store materials store. Delivery address: 1 Power Street, Strand. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Tools & Machinery: 132 each x Line - Material: Nylon; Colour: Red Translucent; Diameter: 2.7mm; Length: 359m; Specific Use: for Brush Cutter; Specification: Abrasion resistant and excellent retaining elasticity. Maximum diameter of nylon variance 0.01% and needs to conform to the mowing head eyelet size, virgin nylon. Delivery Date: 2023/10/06. Delivery To: Fish Hoek Engineering Store, Materials Store. Delivery Address: Poplar Road, Fish Hoek. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Chemicals: Supply of chamois; auto car wipe; 430mm x 335mm, qty: 384 each. Specifications: Chamois: - Type: Auto car wipe; - Unit size: 430mm x 335mm; - Made of PVA, Lintless and seamless, quick and easy absorption abilities. Delivery date: 2023/10/31. Delivery to: Logistics - Ndabeni Store Ndabeni Store - Cleaning. Delivery address: 25 Oude Molen Road, Ndabeni. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Tools & Machinery: 20 each x Straight Edge - Material: Aluminium; Size: 25mm x 127mm x 3m. Delivery Date: 2023/08/30. Delivery To: Logistics - Ndabeni Store - H/ware & Tools. Delivery Address: 25 Oude Molen Road, Ndabeni. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Chemicals: Supply of cleaner; oven, aerosol; 275ml, qty: 252 each. Specifications: Cleaner: - Type: Oven, Aerosol; - Unit size: 275ml; - Unit packaging: Aerosol metal container; - Standards: NRCS registered and/or SANS 1255 Approved. Delivery date: 2023/10/31. Delivery to: Logistics - Ndabeni Store Ndabeni Store - Cleaning. Delivery address: 25 Oude Molen Road, Ndabeni. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS