Auction (Тендер №93563892ru)


Страна: Индия
Язык: EN
Номер: 93563892
Дата публикации: 02-11-2023


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Re-advertisement: Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (“Eskom”) hereby invites you to submit a quote for the following: 1 [one] ash water return pump, motor base 6 at Duvha Power Station. The scope of work details the reconstruction works at AWR Pumphouse: - Reconstruction of AWR pump motor base (2830mm x 1280mm x 230mm): • Take levels of the existing current setup (i.e concrete, steel base) in the presence of client’s representative and data survey report that has been analyzed by the contractor and signed; • Remove secondary steel base, all beams and hold down bolts from the concret; • off by a competent surveyor to the client; • Demolish the entire existing concrete base; • Break approximately 50mm into the existing concrete slab carefully not to damage the reinforcement; • Remove all concrete rubble and make clean; • Wire-brush the exposed existing reinforcement on the existing slab to remove all dirt; • Insert formwork to receive and mold reinforced concrete. Concrete height to be that decided upon by the client after. Make concrete chamfer of 30 x 30mm; • Install rebars of similar diameter as existing, spaced at 150mm center to center; • Apply a concrete bonding agent (Sika Latex or similar approved product) on the existing slab prior casting of concrete; • Cast in fully threaded 6 M20 HD bolts grade 8.8, which must be drilled into the existing slab by 75mm, ensure they align with the holes in the steel base and secure. Bolts to protrude at least by 50mm from the steel base; • Cast 30MPa concrete for pump motor base, ensure concrete top surface is levelled vertically and make good finishes. Cure and protect the new concrete according to SANS 1200G with the prescribed grade of 30MPa with 19mm size of aggregate, with 50mm concrete cover; • Concrete may not be placed before the supervisor has given permission in writing. A minimum written notice period of 24 hours prior to pouring is required for each part of the structure. Delivery address: Duvha Power Station, Off Witbank-Bethal Road, Witbank 1035. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Clothing, PPE & Accessories: Clothing Items: Pants: • 7 each x Pants; Motorcycle; 34; Black, • 7 each x Pants; Motorcycle; 36; Black, • 5 each x Pants; Motorcycle; 38; Black, • 4 each x Pants; Motorcycle; 40; Black. Delivery Date: 2023/12/29. Delivery To: Law Enforcement Store, Materials Store. Delivery Address: 5 Hopkins street, Parow. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery and offloading of 240L wheelie bins. Specifications: • Capacity: 240L wheelie bin designed for industrial, household and hospitality use; • Measurements: 1069mm (H) x 580mm x 739mm; • Colour: Black with blue hinged lid; • Material: UV resistant High-Density Polyurethane; - Features: • Specially designed rim flange for operational reliability and highly resistant to the effects of continuous mechanical handling; - Design: • Shock absorbent; • Resistant to chemical attack; • Able to withstand extreme and frequent temperature variations experienced in South Africa; • 200mm rubber wheels to minimise noise pollution and for easy manoeuvrability; • Axle: 21.5mm Galvanised steel; • Maximum Load: 100kg; • Nest height: 145 – 160mm; • Marking: “Kouga Municipality” must be printed in 20mm letters on the front side of the bin (the opening side of the lid, opposite the wheel side), in the centre 90mm from the bottom of the rim flange; • Numbering: A unique serial number must be printed in 10mm letters on one side of the bin, in the centre, 40mm from the bottom of the rim flange. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider for the supply and constructing of timber frame structures as emergency housing for a period: ending 30 June 2024. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Clothing, PPE & Accessories: Clothing Items: Gaitors: 10 pair x Gaitors - Type: Snake; Size: One size fits most; Specifications: Must extend from the ankle and protect from the shoes to the knee in terms of its length. Must have a flap that covers the shoelace area. Gaitor to consists out of two layers. Outer shell to be made from a heavy-duty water resistant nylon fabric. Together the two layers must be 100% resistant to a variety of venomous South African snakes. Must have at least three adjustable straps with fasteners to ensure a secure fit. Delivery Date: 2023/11/24. Delivery To: Logistics - Hillstar Warehouse Complex, Materials Store. Delivery Address: 1 Bamboesvlei Road, Ottery. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

District and Sessions Judge, Pakpattan Источник: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL