Supply and delivery of construction materials for the Improvement of Facilities for SRAA 2023(Shower Room, Doors, Lighting Fixtures and Plumbing Lines & Fixtures) at Marciano Mancera Integrated School (Тендер №79552850ru)


Страна: Филиппины
Язык: UK
Номер: 79552850
Дата публикации: 13-03-2023
Начальная цена контракта: 876 523 (RUB)
Оригинальная сумма: 858 634 (PHP)



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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Supply and delivery of construction materials for the Improvement of Facilities for SRAA 2023(Shower Room, Repair of Electrical Fixtures and Plumbing Lines & Fixtures) at Lanao Elementary School and L Источник: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system

Supply and delivery of construction materials for the Improvement of Facilities for SRAA 2023(Shower Room, Repair of Electrical Fixtures and Plumbing Lines & Fixtures) at Lanao Elementary School and L Источник: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system

Supply and delivery of construction materials for the Improvement of Facilities for SRAA 2023(Shower Room, Repair of Electrical Fixtures and Plumbing Lines & Fixtures) at Lanao Elementary School and L Источник: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system

Supply and Delivery of Desktop for use in the Office of MCR Источник: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system

Supply and delivery of construction materials for the Improvement of Facilities for SRAA 2023(Shower Room, Doors, Lighting Fixtures and Plumbing Lines & Fixtures) at Marciano Mancera Integrated School Источник: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system

Supply and delivery of construction materials for the Improvement of Facilities for SRAA 2023(Shower Room, Doors, Lighting Fixtures and Plumbing Lines & Fixtures) at Marciano Mancera Integrated School Источник: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system