Supply and Delivery of 2 unit Laptop; PR No. 23-2700 dated August 1, 2023. (Тендер №90972124ru)


Страна: Филиппины
Язык: UK
Номер: 90972124
Дата публикации: 14-09-2023
Начальная цена контракта: 102 083 (RUB)
Оригинальная сумма: 100 000 (PHP)



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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Training: English Writing Skills. Scope: 1. Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment: - SAQA ID: 12153; - NQF level: 4; - Credits: 5; - Training must include roleplay / demonstrations / interactive discussions and other training methodology; - Learners must be divided in 2 groups. Estimated Quantity: +/-10 learners. Delivery Address: Municipality Stores, Floryn Street, Marias Industrial, Vredenburg, 7380. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to conduct an evaluation on the effectiveness of benefit payment, education and outreach initiatives. Scope of work: The objectives of this project are as follows: - To assess the effectiveness and efficiency of benefit payment; - To assess the impact of trolley time on the benefit payment turnaround time; - To assess the effectiveness of the GPAA electronic outreach programmes; - To assess to what extent read-in and read-out processes affect the benefit payment turnaround time; - To establish the views of members and beneficiaries on the education and outreach initiatives; - To assess the impact of branding; - To assess the role played by employer departments in delay of payments; - To establish the possibility of a memorandum of understanding between employer Departments and DPSA. Contract Duration: 8 Months. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Ray Nkonyeni Municipality Local Economic Development Strategy Review. Scope of works: (a) Perform a detailed situational analysis to understand the current dynamics of the RNM, taking into consideration the social, economic and other environmental factors; (b) Perform a SWOT analysis within the municipal area; and to determine in the municipal areas of intervention and thus enable RNM stakeholders to identify and recommend appropriate interventions that have the potential to drive economic development of the area; (c) Identify relevant stakeholders and perform public participation exercises, using various tools, to enable the stakeholders of RNM to come up with strategies, programmes and projects to address the issues from the SWOT analysis; (d) Assist the Municipality to review its LED institutional and operational capacity; (e) Produce a revised LED Strategy with sub-strategies, programmes and projects that will be linked to the Municipal IDP; (f) Produce a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) mechanism(s), which shall be employed to monitor the implementation of the strategy from time to time and also evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy at a pre-determined time; (g) Align the current LED Strategy with the National LED Framework in order to ensure that the reviewed strategy is in compliance with the framework and its policy objectives; (h) As part of the review process, ensure that the revised strategy takes into consideration the 2022 Local Government Summit - LED Resolutions and as part of the implementation plan ensure that such resolutions are appropriately incorporated; (i) In line with the review process, conduct a comprehensive analysis of local economic sectors, including their contribution to the local economy; (j) As part of the review process, the service provider will be expected to conduct value chain analysis – analyzing value chain opportunities as unveiled by key economic sectors, both downstream and upstream opportunities; (k) The service provider will also be expected to identify green economy opportunities and further propose implementable interventions that can be implemented or facilitated; (l) As part of the broader review process, the service provider will be expected to identify targeted support towards the informal economy & further propose implementation mechanisms; (m) Align the strategy with the municipality’s Growth and Development Plan to ensure that the revised strategy takes into consideration the municipality’s vision 2036 objectives; (n) Ensure that the revised strategy is responsive to the Township and Rural Economies Revitalization Strategy (TRERS) and further recommend appropriate implementable interventions to effectively implement TRERS; (o) Align the reviewed strategy with One District Plan and further ensure that the strategy takes into consideration programmes and projects as identified in District traditional Council Plans; (p) As part of the review process, ensure that the revised strategy identify areas that require continuous research to assist businesses and Council with research-driven data to enable better informed decision making; (q) Ensure that the revised strategy incorporates Ease of Doing Business / Red Tape Reduction matters and further propose projects that can be implemented in this regard; (r) As part of the review process, the revised LED Strategy must also identify sectors with potential for employment creation and further propose interventions that need to be implemented to realize job creation objectives; (s) As part of the review process, the service provider will be expected to identify unused and underutilized municipal infrastructure that can be repurposed for local economic development initiatives; (t) Integrate and incorporate Social Labour Plans as led by all mining houses that are located and operating within RNM. The proposed timeframe for the project is six (6) months. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Ntabankulu Local Municipality is calling upon service providers to bid for the following: Appointment of service provider for driver’s license training. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Gifts pack for Womens Day Celebration. Scope: Procure gift packs of 130 people that will be attending Women"s day celebration on 29 September 2023: - Gift pack must include (Gold seal certified Egyptian towel set, toiletry bag, happy hands care wrapped in trial pack and comb set). Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Repair of Concepcion District Office (Phase 1), Concepcion Central School, Brgy. Poblacion, Concepcion, Iloilo Источник: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system