Dostawa oleju napędowego na bazę gminy Juchnowiec Kościelny (Тендер №98978549ru)


Страна: Польша
Язык: PL
Номер: 98978549
Дата публикации: 03-02-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: 1. Replace two fronts wooden H5 poles in front of neck clamp (150 mm x 1800 mm); 2. Solid re-enforced foundation for two front H5 poles inside neck clamp with concrete (600 mm x 600 mm x 1000 mm); 3. Solid foundation for two H5 poles in front of neck clamp with concrete; 4. Concrete slab in front of neck clamp (1000 mm x 500 mm x 200 mm); 5. Replace 8 x horizontal H5 poles (120 mm x 1800 mm) front of crush pen; 6. Tie 8 horizontal poles with bolts and nuts to two front H5 poles. The specified goods/services should be delivered/rendered to: Name of Institute: ARC- Irene, Address: Old Olifantsfontein Road, Irene. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of professional service provider for the directorate: Information Technology Audit under the Chief Directorate: Internal audit to conduct an audit on cyber security for a period of ten (10) weeks. The scope of work to be covered shall be as follows: The scope of the Cyber Security Audit will include a holistic technical assessment of the following: - The review is envisaged to be a prey box - a grey box test simulates an attacker with limited knowledge of the Departmental network so would involve information gathering and foot printing to identify public facing the Departmental infrastructure - Web-server(s); - Identification and exploitation of vulnerabilities on the identified Web addresses and IP addresses, which could be exploited by a hacker to gain access to the Departmental network; - The external penetration test/vulnerability assessment will be an unannounced test, with the intention to assess whether IT detects any malicious traffic on the Departmental network and the effectiveness of the deployed security measures (i.e. sampled IP addresses and website/services); A Penetration test will include, amongst other, the following phases: - Reconnaissance (this is the foot printing phase to identify your IP"s, domain names etc); - Scanning (Software to identify open ports and services, vulnerabilities in these services); - Exploitation (demonstration) - if vulnerabilities are identified they can be exploited to achieve a goal i.e: gain access to the server, gain domain administrator privileges; - Covering tracks (Looking at possibilities that tracks can be deleted logs or evidence that are on the server); - Follow up on the findings raised by the recent Auditor-General"s report issued on Cyber Security on the Departmental Network. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply PTS samples for detection of cryptosporidium and giardia method-FAPAS leap pts samples FAPAS suspension a fwpa1 two runs 2024: DW050 + DW052 and one run 2025: DW054. FAPAS suspension B FWPA2 four runs 2024: DW049 + DW050 + DW051+DW052 and two runs 2025: DW053 + DW054 at Analytical Services Microbiology Laboratory at Vereeniging Pumping Station. Specifications: - PTS samples for Detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts method-FAPAS Suspension A FWPA1 two runs 2024: DW050 + DW052, qty: 2; - PTS samples for Detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts method-FAPAS Suspension B FWPA2 four runs 2024: DW049 + DW050 + DW051 + DW052, qty: 4; - PTS samples-FAPAS: freight and cold storage, qty: 4; - PTS samples for Detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts method-FAPAS Suspension A FWPA1 one run 2025: DW054, qty: 1; - PTS samples for Detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts method-FAPAS Suspension B FWPA2 two runs 2025: DW053 + DW054, qty: 2; - PTS samples-FAPAS: freight and cold storage, qty: 2. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Remont cząstkowy nawierzchni gruntowej i brukowej oraz profilowanie na terenie Miasta i Gminy Murowana Goślina w 2024 roku Источник:

Nadzór inwestorski dla zadania pn. Termomodernizacja budynków GOPR Grupy Podhalańskiej w Rabce-Zdrój, Waksmundzie oraz Limanowej Источник:

Termomodernizacja budynków GOPR Grupy Podhalańskiej w Rabce-Zdrój, Waksmundzie oraz Limanowej Источник: