Страна: Словения
Язык: SI
Номер: 95874670
Дата публикации: 08-12-2023


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Tools & Machinery: Supply and deliver 2 each x aluminium tool box - DAL1250. Delivery Date: 2024/02/29. Delivery To: CS - City Police CSMP. Delivery Address: CSMP, Cape Town/4th Floor, Harbour Place, Martin Hammerschlag Street, Cape Town. Please confirm the delivery address as two were published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Tools & Machinery: Supply 10 each x tension grip conveyor holder. Delivery Date: 2023/12/15. Delivery To: Mitchells Plain - Treatment Works, Mitchells Plain. Delivery Address: Mitchells Plain WWTW, Cape Town. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health (RSSH) consultant: DEVE. Scope of Work: Review of all relevant documents that will be used to inform the Programmatic Gap Table and the Performance Framework and other chapters of the RFF as appropriate. This will include (but not limited to): - The GF allocation letter; - GF policies and guidance documents for applicants; - The National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STIs 2023-2028 with its monitoring and evaluation plan; - Mid-Term Reviews of the NSP; - Provincial and Multi-sectoral District Implementation Plans for 2023-2028; - More recent research findings and updates to work done in the NSP e.g. UNAIDS prevention coalition; - Current GF grant proposal and all updates of progress (from various oversight and CCM documents); - GF grant evaluations; - Performance framework of current GF grant, understanding all the challenges and changes that have been made during implementation; - Review national datasets that relate to work being done in the current GF grant to update a programmatic gap table of existing work. Please note that this proposal was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Tools & Machinery: Supply 1 each x Self priming diaphragm pump. Specifications: Sludge Pump with 3 inch suction pipe with 9 meter length. Also include a 4 inch 12 meter suction pie. With wheels and fold up handle bar. Model BF80 Engin GX160, Honda BF80 or equivalent. Delivery Date: 2024/06/28. Delivery To: Ismail Waryawa Steenbras Dam, Off Faure Marine Drive. Delivery Address: Off Faure Marine Drive, Gordons Bay. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Consultant to focus on key and vulnerable populations for the development of the South African Global Fund Request for Funding. Scope of Work: • Reviews all relevant Global Fund documents; • Review all relevant documents and then develop a document that will guide discussion about the priorities for Key populations HIV treatment and care (HIV, TB/HIV integration and prioritized RSSH interventions); • Development of a presentation and shortened document that summarises above in an easy-to-read format and present this to key relevant stakeholders and any other extra-ordinary meetings in support of development of the proposal; • Work with SANAC Key population HIV, TB, treatment and prevention specific designated technical advisor to lead and co-ordinate the technical team that will focus on the development of the inclusion of TB, TB/HIV integration and prioritized RSSH interventions and link with the M&E, finance and costing and sustainability teams; • Work as a member of the technical team to develop formats for collection, collation and analysis of data to ensure optimum contribution from all stakeholders and development of an optimal RFF as a full document with the necessary attachments; • Participate in meetings when required, GF Request for Funding subcommittee meetings, dialogues/consultations and technical working group, and other meetings coordinated by SANAC to be able to accurately capture the comprehensive overall picture being built up as well as the details in the Request for Funding document; • Work closely with Principal Recipients, costing and finance and monitoring and evaluation consultants to ensure the development of an appropriate work plan and budget and performance framework and monitoring and evaluation plan that links to the content of the Key population, HIV, TB care and treatment work to be included in the RFF; • Work closely with the technical team to ensure the Key population strategies is captured and expressed concisely and accurately in the relevant parts of the draft and final RFF e.g. Performance Framework, Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, PR budgets; • Contribute to communication pieces and presentation to be used for various stakeholders. Please note that this proposal was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Chemicals: Supply 1 each x Ammonia, TNT +, HR (2- 47MG/L) PK/25. Delivery Date: 2024/01/31. Delivery To: Wildevoelvlei WWTW Plant. Delivery Address: 02 Kommetjie Heron Park Industrial, Kommetjie. Please note this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS