South African National Roads Agency Limited invites tenders for the South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) invites tenders for the training and construction management of construction of pedestrian facilities on national route 2, section 22 x from Mthusi (km 0,80) to Murchison (km 18,64). This project is in the province of Kwazulu-Natal and in the district municipality of Ugu District Municipality and in the Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipality. The approximate duration of the contract is 15 months, including 3 months for the mobilization period. Scope of work: The Contractor’s Scope of Work primarily entails the training and skills development of members of an identified Community, as well as Trainee Targeted Enterprises selected from this Community, whom will become his Targeted Enterprise subcontractors and whom he shall manage and mentor during the construction phase. The construction phase entails overseeing the construction of infrastructure, by Trainee Targeted Enterprises, that promotes the access, mobility and road safety of the identified Community, in relation to the National Road Network. The Contractor thus have primarily a training and construction management role. To enhance the utilization and development of Targeted Labour from the identified Community, care has been taken during the design of the Works to ensure that it can be constructed by means of Labour Enhanced Construction Methods (LECM) and the Contractor shall apply such labour enhanced methods. (Тендер №100651773ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 100651773
Дата публикации: 03-03-2024


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