Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of maximum of two (2) service providers for internal audit co-sourcing service contract for a period of 36 months (as and when required). The service provider to be appointed will be required to perform the following functions: • Perform the audits under the management of the Internal Audit Unit. • Perform audits according to the Internal Audit Methodology. • Monitor and evaluate performance of team members on assigned audit projects. • Perform quality assurance reviews for all the assigned projects for all the teams. • Write and present audit reports to Management through the office of the Manager: Internal Audit. • Investigate, write, and present forensic investigation reports to Management through the office of the Manager: Internal Audit. • Conduct due diligence on all key projects contained in the procurement plan of the Municipality. • Conduct audit Information technology, financial statement, and Adhoc’s. • Make contributions to improving the Unit’s work by suggesting best practices. • Attend planned meetings with the Manager: Internal Audit or his/her delegate and relevant Managers when required. (Тендер №100901526ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 100901526
Дата публикации: 07-03-2024


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