Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of fifteen (15) brush cutters (Stihl fs230 or similar) to Hessequa Municipality. (Тендер №101642195ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 101642195
Дата публикации: 20-03-2024


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Breede Valley Municipality invites quotations from suitably qualifying suppliers (service providers) for the following: Supply and delivery of material. Specifications: - 512464 Lamp - Power Star HQI-T 2000 W/D E40 380V 10.3A E XT Osram/Philips, Qty: 20. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Breede Valley Municipality invites quotations from suitably qualifying suppliers (service providers) for the following: Supply and delivery of material. Specifications: - 520171 - Kit Termination 95-240MM O/D PILC 11Kv EPKT17C3MOH6/G70 1.5 Tail + Earth Raychem/ Tank, Qty: 10; - 520155 - Kit Termination Cable 35-70MM Outdoor EPKT 17B3MOH2 Raychem/Tank 1.5 M Tail, Qty: 10; - 520167 - Kit Termination 35-70MM O/D PILC 11Kv 3C EPKT17B3MOH6/G69 1.5 Tail + Earth Raychem/ Tank, Qty: 10; - 520180 - Kit Joint Cable 3C PILC 7.2/12kV Belt/Screen Armour Crimp CONN EFSJ 12B/GL1/GL1 50-95 Mmraychem/ tan, Qty: 10. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: King Sabata Dalindyebo LM hereby calls upon accredited service providers for the following: Panel of two (2) service providers for supply and delivery of agricultural input for KSDLM as and when needed, for a period of three years. Scope: - Bag of Cabbage Seedling; - Bag of Spinach Seedling; - Bag of Carrot Seedling; - Bag of Onion Seedling; - Bag of Beetroot Seedlings; - Bag of Lettuce Seedlings; - Bag of Broccoli; - Bag of Green Pepper; - Bag of Tomato Seedlings; - 25kg Potato Seeds; - 100g Cabbage Seed; - 100g Spinach Seeds; - 100g Carrot Seeds; - 100g Onion Seeds; - 100g Beetroot Seeds; - 100g Lettuce Seeds; - 100g Tomato Seeds; - 100g Butternut Seeds; - 50kg Fertilizer 234:30; - 50kg Fertilizer 232:30 +zan *4; - 50kg Urea white *4. Time Frame: Seven (7) days in receipt of an order. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Removal of 2 aircons units, the supply and installation of 2 x 2 new aircons units in the Council Chambers, Riversdale. Scope: - 2 x new 36 000 BTU Carrier Cassette Fixed Speed Aircon Unit (or similar). Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of lockers. Specifications: Hessequa Municipality is looking for a supplier who can supply and deliver 42 Lockers where each Locker contains 2 Compartments. The lockers should be as follow: • 42 Units x 2 Compartment Locker, • Size of Locker – 1800 Height x 300 Width x 450 Depth, • Colour – Ivory/Kar, • Material – Steel. These lockers must be delivered on the following delivery addresses: 16 Lockers to be Delivered at 51 Church Street, Riversdale, 6670, 10 Lockers to be Delivered at 50 Main Street, Albertinia, 6695, 16 Lockers to be Delivered at 2 Main Street, Stilbaai, 6674. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Repair and supply of engine overhaul parts for Ford 2.2 Ranger, VIN: AFAGXXMJ2GJR43710: 1) Dismantle and check engine x 1; 2) Chemical clean engine complete x 1; 3) Re-sleeve engine block x 1; 4) Check main bearing housing & fit bearings x 7; 5) Line hone main bearing housing x 1; 6) Regrind crankshaft x 1; 7) Check conrod bearing housing x 4; 8) Hone conrod bearing housing x 4; 9) Fit & machines / end bushes x 4; 10) Pre-top pistons x 4; 11) Lap valves & assemble cylinder head x 16; 12) Pressure test cylinder head x 1; 13) Surface grind engine block x 1; 14) Complete assemble engine x 1; 15) Remove and replace engine x 15; 16) Clean and repair radiator x 1; 17) Parts needed: • Sleeves x 4; • Pistons with rings x 4; • Main bearings set x 1; • Set big end bearings x 1; • Main thrust washers set x 1; • Small end bushes set x 1; • New turbo charger x 1; • Timing chain kit x 1; • New injector pump x 1; • New injectors x 1; • Oil cooler element & o-ring x 1; • Overhaul gasket set x 1; • Timing cover seal x 1; • Rear main seal x 1; • Exhaust valves x 1; • Intake valves x 1; • New oil pump x 1; • Oil pump chain & tensioner x 1; • Water pump x 8; • Conrod bolts x 1; • Fan belts x 1; • Crank pick-up sensor x 1; • Thermostat x 1; • Oil filter x 1; • Fuel filter x 1; • Air filter x 1; • Heater hoses x 8; • ATF oil x 1; • Anti freeze x 1; • Brake fluid x 1; • Silicone sealer x 1; • Consumables – erm x 1; • Engine oil & fuel x 1; • Rocker cover x 1; • Front timing cover x 1; • Engine loom x 1; • Camshaft sensor x 1; • Crankshaft sensor x 1. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS