Extension of closing date and time: Interested parties are invited to submit lease applications for the leasing of the following premises which are located at the Port of Durban: Lease L46080 of Erf 10013, Durban with improvements thereon, in Bayhead, Extent: 8,112m², Available from: Immediately, Use: Port related commercial/industrial activity, Tenure: Up to 5 years. Location of Service: Port of Durban. Name of Institution: TNPA. (Тендер №102131621ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 102131621
Дата публикации: 02-04-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Extension of closing date and time: Interested parties are invited to submit lease applications for the leasing of the following premises which are located at the Port of Durban: Lease L90686 of Kings Flats No.16344, Durban with Improvements thereon, in Bayhead, Extent: 1,350m², Available from: Immediately, Use: Club Facility - Port related commercial, Tenure: Up to 10 years. Location of Service: Port of Durban. Name of Institution: TNPA. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Extension of closing date and time: Interested parties are invited to submit lease applications for the leasing of the following premises which are located at the Port of Durban: Lease L46029 of Erf 10013, Durban with improvements thereon, in Bayhead, Extent: 3,255m², Available from: Immediately, Use: Port related commercial/industrial activity, Tenure: Up to 5 years. Location of Service: Port of Durban. Name of Institution: TNPA. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Extension of closing date and time: Interested parties are invited to submit lease applications for the leasing of the following premises which are located at the Port of Durban: Lease L40693 of Erf 10013, Durban, With improvements thereon, in Bayhead, Extent: 12,237m², Available from: Immediately, Use: Port related commercial/industrial activity, Tenure: Up to 5 years. Location of Service: Port of Durban. Name of Institution: TNPA. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Extension of closing date and time: Interested parties are invited to submit lease applications for the leasing of the following premises which are located at the Port of Durban: Lease L40682 of portion of portion 1 of Erf 10019, Durban, in Bayhead, Extent: 5,166m², Available from: Immediately, Use: Port related commercial/industrial activity, Tenure: Up to 10 years. Location of Service: Port of Durban. Name of Institution: TNPA. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Extension of closing date and time: Interested parties are invited to submit lease applications for the leasing of the following premises which are located at the Port of Durban: Lease L46020 of Erf 12355, Durban with improvements thereon, in Bayhead, Extent: 1,209m², Available from: Immediately, Use: Port related commercial/industrial activity, Tenure: Up to 5 years. Location of Service: Port of Durban. Name of Institution: TNPA. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Extension of closing date and time: Interested parties are invited to submit lease applications for the leasing of the following premises which are located at the Port of Durban: Lease L40689 of Erf 10013, Durban with improvements thereon, in Bayhead, Extent: 5,839m², Available from: Immediately, Use: Port related commercial/industrial activity, Tenure: Up to 5 years. Location of Service: Port of Durban. Name of Institution: TNPA. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS