Quotations are hereby called from suitably and experienced service providers to supply and deliver hose and watering cans as per the following specification: - Hoe and wooden handle, qty: 500; - 5L watering can, qty: 500. (Тендер №102675322ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 102675322
Дата публикации: 11-04-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Paper bag machine Источник: Tradekey

Deep frozen tuna loins Источник: Tradekey

Quotations are hereby called from suitably and experienced service providers to supply and deliver sport kits and balls. Specifications: - Senior football kit (numbered set of 15, climer cool material), embroidered with Municipal logo x 36; - Netball dresses kit (numbered set of 10, climer cool material), embroidered with municipal logo material x 36; - Soccer balls, size 5, FIFA approved Match balls equivalent to Adidas soccer ball x 80; - Netball balls (size 5 of NSA, top grade natural rubber surface, Gilbert grip or equivalent grip configuration) x 60. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby called from suitably qualified and experienced service providers for the following: Supply and deliver Zulu Monarch Khangas. Scope: 2300 x Khangas (Amabhayi) with Isilo Samazulu (Zulu Monarch) King Misuzulu kaZwelithini that will be handed over to Mandeni maidens (Izintombi Zomhlanga) ceremony. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby called from suitably qualified and experienced contractors to brand municipal vehicles. Specifications: Municipal Vehicles: Basic three logos (A3 size), 1 on front and two on sides, which include report bad driving A4, 4 sides stripes (15x60cm). Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Addendum: Amendment to Tender Documents. Bids are hereby invited for the following: Professional service provider for hiring of plant for a period of 12 months (as and when required). Specifications: 1) Bulldozer with ripper: (i) 170kW; 2) Self-propelled grader 140 H minimum (200kW); 3) Front-end loader with 2 to 3 m³ capacity; 4) Tipper truck with: (i) 6 m³ capacity with paver link; (ii) 10 m³ capacity; 6) Flat wheel roller (steel drums) with 10 to 20 tons capacity; 7) Pneumatic-tyred roller with 10 to 25 tons capacity; 8) Vibratory roller of 8 tons capacity; 9) TLB 4x4 (tractor/loader/backhoe); 10) 18 000 litre water tanker; 11) lowbed(to carry plant Machinery like 30 ton excavator and grader); 12) Bomag 65; 13) Bomag 90; 14) Excavator 25 tons; 15) Excavator 30 tons; 16) Asphalt Paving machine (basic screed between 2.4 to 3m); 17) dumper truck (articulated hauler) min 20 ton. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS