Re-Advertisement of contract number: JCPZ/RFQ/LAD72/2023: Bids are hereby invited for the following: Advanced Veldfire Management Training. Scope: - Unit Standard Title: 257 156; - Learners will handle veld burn operations under supervision on this level as to ensure the maintaining of adequate safety and risk control measures which is generally the responsibility of individuals on management level; - NQF Level 02; - Credits 3; - Number of Delegates: 40. Outcomes: - Learning Outcome 1: Explain the ecological role of fire and its use as a management tool as it relates to the area of operation. - Learning Outcome 2: Outline the provisions of the National Veld and Forest Fire Act (101 of 1998) along with Regulations pertaining to the Act in relation to the operational area. - Learning Outcome 3: Check, select and supply the appropriate equipment for veld burn operation. - Learning Outcome 4: Demonstrate the ignition, control, extinguishing and post burn actions of a veld burn operation. Describe the framework of workplace health and safety legislation pertaining to health and safety representatives. - Learning Outcome 5: Explain and demonstrate the processes and techniques that form part of a veld burn operation. Department: LAD. (Тендер №104338052ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 104338052
Дата публикации: 14-05-2024


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