Johannesburg Water invites service providers to submit a request for information proposal to Supply, deliver, install, commission and maintain recruitment software solution at Johannesburg Water’s for 36 months. The scope of work shall be the following: • Needs Assessment: Conduct a thorough needs assessment in collaboration with Joburg Water to determine specific requirements for recruitment management, • Solution Design: Propose a comprehensive recruitment software solution tailored to Joburg Water"s needs. Ensure that the solution meets industry standards for accuracy, security, and scalability. Detail the hardware and software components required for the solution, • Implementation: Install and configure all necessary hardware and software components, • Develop and customize software to meet Joburg Water"s requirements. Integrate the solution with Joburg Water"s existing systems, including SAP HR module. Conduct comprehensive testing to ensure the solution"s accuracy and reliability, • Training: Provide training to Joburg Water staff on the proper use of the e-recruitment solution. Train IT personnel for ongoing system maintenance and support, • Documentation: Provide comprehensive documentation, including user manuals and system documentation. Ensure clear guidelines for system maintenance and troubleshooting, • Supply, deliver, install, commission, and maintain recruitment software solution: - Pre-selection, • Candidate questionnaires - Background Screening checks: - Real-Time Analytics & Reporting, • Out of the box for all recruiting KPI’s, • The system should allow JW to draw reports that give an indication on the duration it took for a position to be filled, • The system needs to pull out a dashboard of applications received listing the applicants race, gender, disability (yes/no), as well as experience and qualification each applicant possess in relation to requirements (this should be for all applications received for a specific position), • The system should give an indication the stage each position is at: - Workflow for the candidates, - Deployment: All customization to be done in development, tested in QA prior to deploying the solution to production, - Post implementation support – Floor walking and hand holding for users. - Support and Maintenance: Offer ongoing technical support, including a helpdesk for issue resolution, - Provide regular software updates and maintenance services as required, - Ensure data security and implement measures to protect sensitive information, - Provide application support services for 36 months. • Software as a Service (SaaS) Software as a Service is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted. (Тендер №104601167ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 104601167
Дата публикации: 17-05-2024


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of electric tools. Specification: 1. Insulation resistance tester, Major Tech MT550, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 2. Multimeter and clamp meter Fluke 117/323, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 3. Craftmaster 166PCS toolset, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 4. Hacksaw-Stanley professional, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 5. 220mm Stanley Fatmax cable cutter, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 6. Insulated lugs crimper, 0,5-6mm, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 7. Uninsulated lugs crimper, 1,25-16mm, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 8. Tool backpack electrical kit, Major Tech TBP7-9, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 9. Process meter Fluke 787B, UOM: Each, qty: 1. NB: Delivery address is Olifantsvlei Wastewater Treatment Works, Olifantsvlei 316-IQ, portion RE/2/316, Cavendish Street Ext. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of electric tools. Specification: 1. Insulation resistance tester, Major Tech MT550, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 2. Multimeter and clamp meter Fluke 117/323, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 3. Craftmaster 166PCS toolset, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 4. Hacksaw-Stanley professional, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 5. 220mm Stanley Fatmax cable cutter, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 6. Insulated lugs crimper, 0,5-6mm, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 7. Uninsulated lugs crimper, 1,25-16mm, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 8. Tool backpack electrical kit, Major Tech TBP7-9, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 9. Process meter Fluke 787B, UOM: Each, qty: 1. NB: Delivery address is Olifantsvlei Wastewater Treatment Works, Olifantsvlei 316-IQ, portion RE/2/316, Cavendish Street Ext. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of electric tools. Specification: 1. Insulation resistance tester, Major Tech MT550, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 2. Multimeter and clamp meter Fluke 117/323, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 3. Craftmaster 166PCS toolset, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 4. Hacksaw-Stanley professional, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 5. 220mm Stanley Fatmax cable cutter, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 6. Insulated lugs crimper, 0,5-6mm, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 7. Uninsulated lugs crimper, 1,25-16mm, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 8. Tool backpack electrical kit, Major Tech TBP7-9, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 9. Process meter Fluke 787B, UOM: Each, qty: 1. NB: Delivery address is Olifantsvlei Wastewater Treatment Works, Olifantsvlei 316-IQ, portion RE/2/316, Cavendish Street Ext. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of electric tools. Specification: 1. Insulation resistance tester, Major Tech MT550, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 2. Multimeter and clamp meter Fluke 117/323, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 3. Craftmaster 166PCS toolset, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 4. Hacksaw-Stanley professional, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 5. 220mm Stanley Fatmax cable cutter, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 6. Insulated lugs crimper, 0,5-6mm, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 7. Uninsulated lugs crimper, 1,25-16mm, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 8. Tool backpack electrical kit, Major Tech TBP7-9, UOM: Each, qty: 4, 9. Process meter Fluke 787B, UOM: Each, qty: 1. NB: Delivery address is Olifantsvlei Wastewater Treatment Works, Olifantsvlei 316-IQ, portion RE/2/316, Cavendish Street Ext. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Johannesburg Water invites service providers to submit a request for information proposal to Supply, deliver, install, commission and maintain recruitment software solution at Johannesburg Water’s for 36 months. The scope of work shall be the following: • Needs Assessment: Conduct a thorough needs assessment in collaboration with Joburg Water to determine specific requirements for recruitment management, • Solution Design: Propose a comprehensive recruitment software solution tailored to Joburg Water"s needs. Ensure that the solution meets industry standards for accuracy, security, and scalability. Detail the hardware and software components required for the solution, • Implementation: Install and configure all necessary hardware and software components, • Develop and customize software to meet Joburg Water"s requirements. Integrate the solution with Joburg Water"s existing systems, including SAP HR module. Conduct comprehensive testing to ensure the solution"s accuracy and reliability, • Training: Provide training to Joburg Water staff on the proper use of the e-recruitment solution. Train IT personnel for ongoing system maintenance and support, • Documentation: Provide comprehensive documentation, including user manuals and system documentation. Ensure clear guidelines for system maintenance and troubleshooting, • Supply, deliver, install, commission, and maintain recruitment software solution: - Pre-selection, • Candidate questionnaires - Background Screening checks: - Real-Time Analytics & Reporting, • Out of the box for all recruiting KPI’s, • The system should allow JW to draw reports that give an indication on the duration it took for a position to be filled, • The system needs to pull out a dashboard of applications received listing the applicants race, gender, disability (yes/no), as well as experience and qualification each applicant possess in relation to requirements (this should be for all applications received for a specific position), • The system should give an indication the stage each position is at: - Workflow for the candidates, - Deployment: All customization to be done in development, tested in QA prior to deploying the solution to production, - Post implementation support – Floor walking and hand holding for users. - Support and Maintenance: Offer ongoing technical support, including a helpdesk for issue resolution, - Provide regular software updates and maintenance services as required, - Ensure data security and implement measures to protect sensitive information, - Provide application support services for 36 months. • Software as a Service (SaaS) Software as a Service is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Johannesburg Water invites service providers to submit a request for information proposal to Supply, deliver, install, commission and maintain recruitment software solution at Johannesburg Water’s for 36 months. The scope of work shall be the following: • Needs Assessment: Conduct a thorough needs assessment in collaboration with Joburg Water to determine specific requirements for recruitment management, • Solution Design: Propose a comprehensive recruitment software solution tailored to Joburg Water"s needs. Ensure that the solution meets industry standards for accuracy, security, and scalability. Detail the hardware and software components required for the solution, • Implementation: Install and configure all necessary hardware and software components, • Develop and customize software to meet Joburg Water"s requirements. Integrate the solution with Joburg Water"s existing systems, including SAP HR module. Conduct comprehensive testing to ensure the solution"s accuracy and reliability, • Training: Provide training to Joburg Water staff on the proper use of the e-recruitment solution. Train IT personnel for ongoing system maintenance and support, • Documentation: Provide comprehensive documentation, including user manuals and system documentation. Ensure clear guidelines for system maintenance and troubleshooting, • Supply, deliver, install, commission, and maintain recruitment software solution: - Pre-selection, • Candidate questionnaires - Background Screening checks: - Real-Time Analytics & Reporting, • Out of the box for all recruiting KPI’s, • The system should allow JW to draw reports that give an indication on the duration it took for a position to be filled, • The system needs to pull out a dashboard of applications received listing the applicants race, gender, disability (yes/no), as well as experience and qualification each applicant possess in relation to requirements (this should be for all applications received for a specific position), • The system should give an indication the stage each position is at: - Workflow for the candidates, - Deployment: All customization to be done in development, tested in QA prior to deploying the solution to production, - Post implementation support – Floor walking and hand holding for users. - Support and Maintenance: Offer ongoing technical support, including a helpdesk for issue resolution, - Provide regular software updates and maintenance services as required, - Ensure data security and implement measures to protect sensitive information, - Provide application support services for 36 months. • Software as a Service (SaaS) Software as a Service is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS