Formal quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of cold mix asphalt. Specifications: - 25 Kg Cold Mix Asphalt, qty: 750; - Penetrating Grade: 50/70 Bitumen/Emulsion, Certified materials to be used: 6.7mm road stones, and asphalt sand; - The product to be packaged in a sealed 180mm-200micron 25kg black to retain heat and protect it from damage; - The product shall not be hauled in excess of 250km from the production plant to the delivery point to preserve the product shelf life, product specifications, workability and the desired quality; - The product shall carry a minimum of 6 months product shelf life; - The packaging of units to be limited to 25kg per bag for ease handling and transportations to sites; - The product to be used in all weather conditions, be self-priming no preheating and no mixing allowed before laying to road surfacing, and to be used in all weather conditions; - The product shall be easy to compact using hand-held compacting tool or light walk behind roller while high performance is retained; - The product shall be transported under reasonable conditions (protection from excessive wind, physical and torn packaging bags, excessive heat, and the compaction due to road conditions) from the production plant to the point of delivery to retain its specified properties; - Cold Mix Asphalt (CMA) torn bags will not be accepted. (Тендер №104609857ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 104609857
Дата публикации: 17-05-2024


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