Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Data Integration. Scope of work: Integration Monitoring and Evaluation (IME) department is consolidating data from siloed sources in Bulk Water Services (BWS) Business Unit to provide end users with a unified vision and efficient way of doing business. The aim is to assess data systems in Bulk Water Services Business Unit to have a better data lead, stakeholder collaboration, increase on Return on Investment (ROI), automation of reports, strategy, and efficient decision-making. Bulk Water Services Business Unit strategic goals will guide and assist in the planning and development of the integration of systems. The integrated data warehouse will ensure that there is continuous accurate reporting to management internally, regionally, and National. Gap analysis from professionals will be needed to help in kick starting the process concurrently with the provision of support to the Information Management under IME portfolio. This will assist in deriving the Bulk Water Services Unit strategic value from traditional data warehousing once consultant modernized the ingestion layer. IME would like to appoint a service provider to assist with the gap analysis, by conducting an assessment on the current data source systems and propose a framework, design processes, and data management in BWS Unit of Rand Water. The provider may make use of the inhouse technologies that Rand water is already using to avoid overspending. The proposal should be in-line with the best practise technology to assist in enhancing decision making and promoting data protection, data quality, and compliance with the data governance requirements. Also, to ensure a continuous improvements and accurate reporting to all management and to our customers i.e. Internal, Regional and National. (Тендер №105237684ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 105237684
Дата публикации: 30-05-2024


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