Formal written quotations are hereby invited for the following: Service provider to Offer fully equipped outside broadcasting van package for the SMME and agricultural show. Delivery address: Richmond Municipality, 57 Shepstone Street, Richmond, 3780. (Тендер №105256582ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 105256582
Дата публикации: 31-05-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Suitable and capable service providers are invited to bid for the appointment of the service provider to supply and deliver spare parts and general supplies for brush cutters and chainsaw. Specifications: 1. Spark plugs - CMR6H, qty: 50, 2. Spark plugs - BPMR7A, qty: 30, 3. Fuel filters 6mm, qty: 40, 4. Air filters - Stihl FS291 brush cutter, qty: 50, 5. Air filters - Stihl FS450 brush cutter, qty: 30, 6. Socket tool combination - 16 - 19 Torx socket, qty: 10, 7. Gearbox lubricant grease for brush cutters 80g, qty: 30, 8. Chainsaw oil 20l, qty: 2, 9. Three-toothed blade for brush cutter, qty: 20, 10. Circular saw blade for brush cutters, qty: 10, 11. Aluminum head for brush cutter, qty: 15, 12. Carburetor Stihl FS450, qty: 4, 13. Chainsaw bar 90cm, qty: 1, 14. Chainsaw bar 37cm, qty: 3, 15. Chain for chainsaw with 90cm bar, qty: 2, 16. Chain for chainsaw with 37cm bar, qty: 6 Please note that this bid was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of suitable service provider to do renovation of bathrooms at Herman Street No 79. Project duration is one (1) month after the appointment. Please note that this bid was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Suitable and capable service providers are invited to bid for the appointment of the service provider to supply and delivery of landscaping hand tools. Scope: 1. Digging Spade Flat Edge x 15; 2. Four Prong Garden Fork x 15; 3. Plastic Fan Rake with Wooden Handle x 30; 4. Heavy Duty Rake all Steel - 16 Tooth Lasher or Similar x 15; 5. Pick Mattock Heavy Duty, Poly Fiber Handle x 05; 6. Knife - Double Edge Slasher - One Edge Straight, The Other Hooked x 10; 7. Hedge Shears - Heavy Duty, Poly Handle, Approx. Weight 900g, lasher or Similar x 5; 8. Heavy Duty Lopping Shear, Dimensions 3cm X 21,5cm X 73cm, Weight 2,2kg, able to Cut Branches up 50mm x 2; 9. Grass Broom, Wooden Handle with Approximate Dimensions 140cm (L) X 24cm (W) x 25; 10. Manually Operated Telescopic Saw, 40cm, Hard Chrome Plated Saw Blade, including Telescopic Aluminum x 2. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Approved service providers to supply and deliver plumbing tools. Specifications: - 375mm Shifting spanner with lifetime guarantee certificate x 10; - 3/16mm Thickness hacksaw SOMTA (or equivalent) x 05; - 19mm Combination spanners with lifetime guarantee certificate x 10; - 3 Tier Compartment heavy duty toolbox x 05; - 19mm x 24mm Construction spanner with lifetime guarantee certificate x 10; - 300mm Rasp file heavy duty x 10; - 300mm Rigid pipe wrench with lifetime guarantee certificate x 10; - 24mm Combination spanners with lifetime guarantee certificate x 10; - 350mm Adjustable wrench with lifetime guarantee certificate x 10. To be delivered at Howick Stores, Midlands Business Estate, Unit 10 & 11, Howick. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Suitable and capable service providers are invited to bid for the appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver Uniforms for IPW management. Uniform is to be embroidered with uMngeni Local Municipality logo. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of plumbing materials for Umgungundlovu District Municipality. Specifications: • Talbot tap - 20mm x 50; • Galvanised trended both standpipe - 20mm x 100; • Plastic tap - 20mm x 50; • Stag- 200ml x 10; • Fencing ‘Y’ standards- 2.4m x 100. Items must be delivered to: Howick Stores, Midlands Business Square, 1 Prospect Road, Unit 10 & 11. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS