Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Provision of shipping services for Durban and Cape Town. Scope: To appoint a service provider/s to provide shipping services to the Cape Town and Durban Coastal Offices of Exchange for a period of one (1) year. The bidder will have the option to bid for any or both: • Durban; • Cape Town. (Тендер №106262973ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 106262973
Дата публикации: 20-06-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Полные или частичные строительные работы и публичные работы Источник: Единой Электронной Системе Государственных Закупок

Мебель Источник: Единой Электронной Системе Государственных Закупок

Мебель Источник: Единой Электронной Системе Государственных Закупок

Мебель Источник: Единой Электронной Системе Государственных Закупок

Re-advertisement of contract number: RFP 07/2024: Alexkor RMC JV Richtersveld Mining Company (RMC) Pooling and Sharing Joint Venture (PSJV) requires a suitable qualified and experienced service provider for provision of transportation services of high value minerals within South Africa on behalf of the Alexkor RMC JV as and when required to the mine for a period of three (3) years. Scope: - The service provider will be responsible to provide security and transportation of rough diamonds nationwide; - Service provider must be in possession of a secure vault. Alexkor RMC JV will inspect the vault before signing Service Level Agreement (SLA), the vault will store the goods when they were collected, and delivery is no longer possible in that day; - Service provider must have secured armoured vehicle, Alexkor RMC JV will inspect the security vehicles before signing Service Level Agreement (SLA), the vehicles will transport the goods to and from the producer premises; - Service Provider will be responsible for the safekeeping of goods whist in their possession; - The service provide will also be expected, on an ad-hoc basis, to store the rough diamond for a communicated period and Alexkor RMC JV ’s clients may collect the diamonds from the transport provider’s facilities; - Service Provider must ensure that goods are insured while in transit or in their premises as the risk lies with service provider until goods are handed to Alexkor RMC JV or Alexkor RMC JV clients; - Services providers are expected to have quicker turnaround times for delivery from collection to final delivery because diamond prices are very sensitive to time. Turnaround times for delivery will be negotiated during SLA signing. Address: Alexkor RMC JV Mine, 1 Orange Road, Alexander Bay, Northern Cape. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Procurement of Hazardous Biological Agent (HBA) risk assessment. Scope: • Biological Hazards Assessment and determine state of compliance; • Identify hazardous biological agents e.g. Total Coliform; • Identify possible source of hazardous biological agents (e.g. bacteria, fungi and insects) Departmental possible incidents and exposure; • Identify hazardous biological agents (Total coliform count and E. coli); • The sampling is to be carried out before and immediately after the toilet has been cleaned to ascertain the effectiveness of cleaning as a control measure; • Determine appropriate intervention as part of control measure to eliminate and or control the exposure; • Compile a comprehensive report: hard and soft copy with Tracking Dashboard Report. Required at: 16 Trevenna street - Pretoria - 0002. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS