Quotations are hereby invited from approved service providers to supply and deliver plumbing tools. Specifications: 1. 450mm adjustable wrench, Gedore or equivalent; 2. 300mm adjustable wrench, Gedore or equivalent; 3. 300 water pump pliers, heavy duty; 4. Construction ratchets, 17mm-19mm; 5. Construction ratchets, 19mm-24mm; 6. Hacksaw frame, heavy duty; 7. Four pound with fiberglass handle cold chisels, 25 x 300mm; 8. Crowbar, 25 x 1200mm; 9. Combination spanner 17, Combination spanner 19, Combination spanner 24, Combination spanner 32 and Combination spanner 36; 10. High pressure petrol water suction pump; 11. 6 Piece Hook Wrench tool set C-shaped spanner; 12. File, rasper (rough wood file); 13. Drop Forged hand axes with fiberglass handle; 14. Knife, cane, short, narrow; 15. Toolboxes, Heavy Duty; 16. Shovel, round spade, heavy duty; 17. 10m power lock measuring tape; 18. Set of Allen keys; 19. PVC flat Hose 75mm diameter 20m roll; 20. 610mm pipe wrench Gedore or equivalent, 450mm pipe wrench Gedore or equivalent and 355mm pipe wrench Gedore or equivalent; 21. Ladder, multipurpose, 3.5m. To be delivered at 242 Langalibalele Street. (Тендер №106798848ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 106798848
Дата публикации: 01-07-2024


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The U.S. Consulate General in Johannesburg hereby invites interested and qualified service providers for the following: Maintenance and repair of the service CAC and utility building facade at the US Consulate General Johannesburg. The proposed work includes painting, maintenance, and repairs of the SCAC & UTL, stucco plaster finished walls, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Facade Access: Mobile man-lifts from grade or scaffolding from grade; 2. Install temporary protection on the lower SCAC & UTL finishes, roof surfaces, doors/windows, and grounds at base of facades; 3. Inspect plaster damages, cracks, and paneled areas by mechanical sounding of the plaster to confirm attachment to the concrete substructure; 4. Inspect control/reveal joints, perimeter metals, and through-plaster penetration flashings for damages; 5. Remove loose, cracked, and damaged plaster. "V" cut cracks to sound material; 6. Remove by saw-cuts loose, damaged, corroded metal control/revel joints. Replace metal control/revel joints to match original alignment; 7. Clean/pressure wash plaster wall areas and allow to dry. Clean/pressure wash any lower windows, doors, and facade areas affected by work above; 8. Clean/Pressure wash exterior canopy fascia, soffit, interiors, and ceiling areas and allow to dry; 9. Perform repairs where the multi-layer plaster has been damaged and allow to fully cure. Perform a water-spray curing process; 10. Perform paint color mock-up areas before applying final primer and finish paint on plaster walls; 11. Remove and replace existing backer rod and sealant in stone joints, plaster joints, between stone and plaster, and between stone or plaster and window/door - Steel/aluminum frames. Include replacement of existing backer rod and sealant in joints of existing stone copings; 12. Paint miscellaneous facade related ferrous metals; 13. Prepare, prime, and finish paint exterior canopy ferrous fascia, soffit, trim, and ceiling areas. Please confirm the closing date and time as it was not published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

False Bay TVET College invites tenders for internal building alterations to the Electrical Workshop at Khayelitsha Campus. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to provide Remote Pilot Aircraft System (RPAS) / Drone Pilot Training for a period of 24 months for the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSiRA). Scope: Course Deliverables: - A qualified and accredited Remote Pilot Aircraft System pilot license holder; - Appropriate training materials; - Appropriate flight instructions and practice. Methodology: - The course must be a combination of Theoretical and Practical Training; - It must include preparation for the radio telephony exam (including the exam which is done independently); - The course must include the final examination (Skills test) as conducted by the designated Flight Examiner (SACAA authorised). The number of Security Officers to be trained per province are as follows: 1. Year One: - Northern Cape (10); - North West (10); - Limpopo (10); - Eastern Cape (10); - Mpumalanga (10). 2. Year: Two: - Gauteng (20); - Western Cape (10); - Kwa-Zulu Natal (10); - Free State (10). Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Johannesburg Water invites tenders to join and terminate SWA cables. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby requested for the following: Supply and deliver Geyser; Ind Water Heater, Capacity: 500 L, Stl. Specifications: 1. Geyser; Ind Water Heater, Capacity: 500 L, Stl x 1 2. Elbow; Compress, 42mm, CU, Degree: 90 Degree x 8 3 Tube Metal; 6m, 42mm, CU x 2, 4. Adaptor Pipe; 4A2mm, Comprs Fit, 1.5 in, Fe x 4. 5. Plug Pipe; Cap, Dia 1-1/2 in, Stl,Galv x 10, 6. Plug Pipe; Sq Head, Dia 1/2 in, Stl Galv x 10, 7. Plug Pipe; Hollow, Dia 25mm, Stl, Galv x 10, 8. Toilet Seat and Flap x 1, 9. Reducer; Comprs Set, Single Step, 54 to 42mm x 10, 10. Coupler; Comprs, Straight, Dia 54mm x 2, 11. Cap Pipe; End, Dia 32mm, Stl, Galv, Sil, Thd x 10, 12. Cap Pipe; Plug, Dia 3/4 in, Stl, Galv, Sil x 10, 13. Coupler; Comprs, Equal Tee, 42mm, Cu to Cu x 4, 14. Gate Valve; Comprs, Handwheel, 42mm, Brs x 8. Location of Service: DCT Pier 2. Please confirm the contract number as two were published. Please note this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to deliver, implement, and conceptualize of media buying for Film and Publication Board. Specifications: Appointment of Media Buyer: Conceptualizing, Implementation and Delivery of 1. Voice recordings for three campaigns: • Voice recordings should be in all official languages, • Voice recordings must not be longer than 2 minutes, • Please assign a voice over artist, • Once appointed, you will be required to provide 3 voice overs for the FPB to choose from. 2. Request for a service provider to deliver on community radio adverts: • 20 spots of 45 second live radio reads per radio station for 2 weeks, • The live reads should be on the breakfast show, The following stations are to be targeted: Gauteng: • Lekoa FM, • eKF FM, • Jozi FM. Western Cape: • Bush Radio, • Zibonele FM. Kwa-Zulu Natal: • Ugu Youth Radio FM, • Radio Khwezi, • Gagasi. Eastern Cape: • Bay FM, • Vukani Community Radio, • Mdantsane FM. Limpopo: • Tubatse FM, • Makhado FM. 3. Design an online banner to be placed on at least five (5) media houses websites: • Biz Community, • Newsroom Afrika, • SABC News online, • Media 24 website, • IOL website. 4. Designing a squeeze back advert to be placed on SABC News Channels. The advert will should be for 2 weeks: • Channel Africa News Chanel, • SABC News Chanel, • SABC 1, • SABC 2, • SABC 3. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS