Quotations are hereby requested for the following: Provision of tyre maintenance and management for three (3) months for Transnet SOC Ltd, Durban BBC Terminal at the Port Of Durban for a period of three (3) months. Scope of works: 1. Tyre Management: Tyre management will consist of the following: 1.1. On site tyre inflations service using a bakkie with a 12 bar rated compressor, 1.2. Tyre repairs where tyres have been penetrated by a hard object and can still be repaired, 1.3. The tyre management team to be able to cover 24 hours and 7 days a week, 1.4. Detailed report of all repaired tyres to be provided within the shift period, 1.5. Aligning services with any tyre/rim/wheel related initiatives within TPT. Suitable manpower must be available for this and the service provider shall price accordingly, 1.6. Supplier to supply O-rings and valves where applicable, 2. Fitment and Maintenance of tyres: 2.1. Tyre fitment: 2.1.1. The service provider must price the function of professional tyre fitment to the various fleet vehicles. This includes the removal of the used and damaged tyres and fitting of new tyre, 2.1.2. The service provider will not be responsible for the disposal of any damaged tyres but will be required to conduct scrapping sessions together with Transnet to determine reasons for failure and capture data thereof, 2.1.3. Used tyres are to be stored suitably at the Terminal and remain Transnet property, 2.1.4. Should the service provider damage wheel studs these will be replaced by the service provider at his own expense, 2.1.5. This service of professional tyre fitting includes fitment of the correct matching type of tyre size, type and rating, the correct rim to hub combination as well as inflation of the tyre to the correct pressure and torque of the wheel studs as specified by the OEM. Four stud rotation indicators will be fitted, 2.1.6. The expected turnaround time of the fitment process (tyre-to-rim fitment) must not be more than 1 hour and will be monitored accordingly, 2.1.7. It is envisaged that the service is a 24/7 operation in accordance with Port Operations and the prospective service provider should price accordingly utilization of power tools to assist in productivity is for the cost of the service provider. Compressed air remains the service provider’s responsibility, 2.1.8. All Safety and Legal Aspects affecting the works affecting the works of the tyre fitment, including instruction from management and Supervisory personnel, must be adhered to, 2.1.9. Any damage sustained due to improper fitment could result in penalties to the contractor. (Тендер №107438016ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 107438016
Дата публикации: 15-07-2024


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