Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Item No.: 1359: Gen Cream Camphor, 450ml, Dermatologist Approved x 1890. (Тендер №108119884ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 108119884
Дата публикации: 26-07-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

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Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Appoint a service provider to conduct assessments and make recommendations to the Limpopo Province General Dealers Support Programme. The programme is aimed at the following: • Supporting initiatives for self-employment. • Strengthening General Dealers as convenient places for access to basic goods and services. • To create a more attractive and functional space for customers. • Assisting in formalizing the largely informal Township and Rural economy. • Capacitating General Dealers to support local small businesses through procurement of local products and produce. • Capacitating General Dealers to support local Spaza Shops to complete the project within specified and agreed timeframes and budget. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Appoint a service provider to conduct assessments and make recommendations to the Free State Province General Dealers Support Programme. The programme is aimed at the following: • Supporting initiatives for self-employment. • Strengthening General Dealers as convenient places for access to basic goods and services. • To create a more attractive and functional space for customers. • Assisting in formalizing the largely informal Township and Rural economy. • Capacitating General Dealers to support local small businesses through procurement of local products and produce. • Capacitating General Dealers to support local Spaza Shops to complete the project within specified and agreed timeframes and budget. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a recruitment company to provide head hunting services for the chief information officer position for the National Lotteries Commission. Objective: The objective of this bid is to secure the services of an experienced Recruitment service provider (head-hunter) to undertake recruitment process for the Chief Information Officer (CIO) Position for the National Lotteries Commission. Scope: - Executive Research: The service provider must ensure that they understand the requirements of the position (job analysis) and the candidate profile the NLC would like to attract; - Sourcing: Attracting and encouraging candidates to apply for the position; - Screening: It would be important that the service provider assist NLC in increasing the success rate of the selection process, by decreasing the number of visibly under qualified job applicants. Furthermore, it would be important for the service provider to assist NLC in meeting its legal and social obligations regarding the composition of workforce; - Standard timelines for headhunting. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Appoint a service provider to conduct assessments and make recommendations to the North West Province General Dealers Support Programme. The programme is aimed at the following: • Supporting initiatives for self-employment. • Strengthening General Dealers as convenient places for access to basic goods and services. • To create a more attractive and functional space for customers. • Assisting in formalizing the largely informal Township and Rural economy. • Capacitating General Dealers to support local small businesses through procurement of local products and produce. • Capacitating General Dealers to support local Spaza Shops to complete the project within specified and agreed timeframes and budget. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS