Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Rendering of laundry services for patient clothing and linen at Nkqubela TB Hospital, district hospitals (Grey and Bhisho) and community health centres (Empilweni Gompo, Nontyatyambo, Duncan Village Day, Mount Coke and Dimbaza) on a rate basis as and when required for a period of 12 months not exceeding R1 million. Specifications: Rendering of laundry services for the washing, drying, ironing of patient clothing and linen at the following facilities: - Nkqubela TB Hospital; - District Hospitals (Bhisho and Grey Hospital); - Community Health Centers (DVDH, Empilweni Gompo, Mount Coke, Dimbaza and Nontyatyambo CHC"s); - Collection and delivery on a daily basis including weekends and public holidays; - Estimated KG per day: 250KG. (Тендер №108361955ru)

Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 108361955
Дата публикации: 31-07-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Supply of Filters and Control Head of dialysis ROs for AKU & ARK Источник: Tender Board - Kingdom of Bahrain

Medical Insurance Services for TRA Employees Источник: Tender Board - Kingdom of Bahrain

Repair works on Hematology Train chillers RTAC185 Источник: Tender Board - Kingdom of Bahrain

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Engineering and construction management services for the projects at various port terminals for Transnet Soc Ltd operating as Transnet Port Terminals for a period of three (3) years. Staff required: Office Based: 1. Principals / Directors; 2. Senior Consultant; 3. Engineering and Project Managers; 4. Associates and Consultants; 5. Specialists and Supervisors; 6. Senior Engineers and Technologists; 7. Engineers; 8. Candidate Engineers; 9. Senior Technologists; 10. Technologists; 11. Designers and Technicians; 12. Junior Designers and Technicians; 13. Draughtsmen; 14. Project Support Technicians; 15. NEC Project Manager; 16. Cost Engineer; 17. Planner; 18. Construction Manager; 19. Project Support Co-ordinator; 20. Safety Agent; 21. Safety Officer; 22. Environmental Specialist (as per SACNASP definition); 23. Environmental Officer (as per SACNASP definition); 24. Quality Officer; 25. Project Administrator; 26. Risk Management Officer; 27. Contract Administrator; Construction Management (Site based): 30. Resident Engineer; 31. Quantity Surveyor; 32. Cost Engineer; 33. Planner; 34. Construction Manager; 35. Project Support Co-ordinator; 36. Safety Agent; 37. Safety Officer; 38. Environmental Officer; 39. Quality Officer; 40. Site Supervisor / (NEC3 Supervisor); 41. Clerk of Works; 42. Project Administrator; 43. Project Support Co-ordinator. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of uniform for Facilities Division. Delivery of the required items: National Lotteries Commission, 333 Grosvenor Street Block D Hatfield, Gardens Hatfield, 0075. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fencing of outdoor generator in Molteno Wastewater Treatment Works. Scope: CHDM has a pile of unused palisade fence at the Molteno Wastewater treatment Works that needs to be refurbished and installed/erected to the to secure a generator at the Molteno Water Treatment Pumpstation: • Service provider will need to collect the necessary number of palisades needed from the Waste Water Treatment Works to the Molteno Water Treatment Pumpstation; • The yard to be erected is 5000mm x 3500mm with four corners; • Service provider must build a 2000mm wide sliding gate; • Service provider will need to paint the palisade with first coat Red Oxide steel primer & final paint which is green; • Service provider will need cement for the four corner pillars; • Service provider will have to weld the palisade to fence the stated yard; • Service provider must bring own generator to weld; • Service provider to-supply laminated padlock. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS