Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited from service providers for the supply and delivery of a 37KW motor to uShaka Marine World as detailed in the RFQ. Specifications: • 37KW, 3- Phase Motor; • 380-400VAC; • 6-Pole; • B35 Mounting (Foot and Flange Mount); • 250S/M Frame; • IE4 Efficiency; • Motor Fan Cowl to include Rain Canopy; • Anti-condensation Heaters terminated in Auxiliary Terminal Box; • PTC Thermistors fitted on each phase; • Class “H” Insulation; • IP66 Protection; • Terminal Box Mounted on LHS when viewed from the Drive End; • Bearing Greasing facilities on the Drive and Non-Drive End; • VSD Compatible; • 5 Year Manufacturer’s Warranty from Date of Delivery; • Epoxy Paint – Colour to be discussed with Client upon awarding of the Purchase Order. (Тендер №109528140ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 109528140
Дата публикации: 21-08-2024


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шифохона беморларига иссик овкат етказиш Источник: УЗБЕКСКАЯ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКАЯ ТОВАРНО-СЫРЬЕВАЯ БИРЖА

Валки прокатные стальные в ассортименте (согласно ТЗ) (2 поз) Po’lat prokat valoklari (texnik topshiriqqa muvofiq) Источник: УЗБЕКСКАЯ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКАЯ ТОВАРНО-СЫРЬЕВАЯ БИРЖА

IT SERVICE MANAGEMENT (ITSM) SOLUTION Источник: Tender Board - Kingdom of Bahrain

6515--Absolu S Ultrasound Console with Std-A Probe BRAND NAME OR EQUAL Источник: Federal Business Opportunities

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Refurbishment of Pniel Reservoir. The scope of this project includes comprehensive repair and rehabilitation of the Pniel reservoir to mitigate the existing leaks and ensure its long-term functionality. The scope of work includes conducting a thorough inspection and assessment to identify severe cracks, cleaning and preparing cracks by removing debris and contaminants, selecting, and applying suitable sealants and repair mortars for structural repairs, and employing appropriate sealing methods such as pressure injection or gravity filling or manual application to effectively seal identified cracks. Additionally, the Contractor will ensure proper curing of repair materials according to manufacturer specifications and protect repaired areas from damage during the curing process. Quality control measures must be implemented to verify the integrity and effectiveness of repairs. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Calibration of equipment. Specifications: - 4 x Calibration: insulation testers – Toptronic T1851: 1746282/1340847/1746316/1208735; - 1 x Calibration: analog insulation tester - Toptronic T1800: 99112222; - 4 x Calibration: digital clamp meter – fluke 376: 37420501WS / 37420504 / 37420505/26150169WS; - 2 x Calibration: earth resistance testers - Toptronic T1820: 1765709 / 98089SI; - 1 x Calibration: earth resistance tester - Majortech MT330: T77005339; - 4 x Calibration: ELCB/polarity testers - Toptronic TEL1TLB: S MARITZ / BRITS / SKA173 / 1394556; - 3 x Calibration: phase rotation testers - Toptronic T855: 1703986 / 1511318 / 1744335; - 1 x Calibration: high-voltage detectors - Toptronic T175HP: 1134442; - 4 x Calibration: high-voltage detectors - Toptronic HVD13/2A: 1304146 / 13110961 / 1801070 / 1801072; - 1 x Calibration: loop/PSC/load tester - Toptronic T1825: 9969886; - 1 x Calibration: 3-phase tester – Toptronic T606: 9775223; - 5 x Link sticks - EX2 1660: EBM16516 / EBM30028 / EBM18348 / MACH0622 / OFFE0419; - 1 x Calibration: earth resistance testers - Metrohm K4105A: T7005343; - 18 x Red reticulation control earth kits: assessment & ductor test 6 kits x 3 cables, per kit - per cable: repairs & delivery excluded; - 63 x Yellow reticulation/work earth kits: assessment & ductor test 9 kits x 7 cables, per kit - per cable: repairs & delivery excluded. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS