National Department of Public Works Regional Office, Pretoria invites tenders for replacement of cracked loose and breaking tiles at SAPS Soshanguve. (Тендер №109796009ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 109796009
Дата публикации: 26-08-2024


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Looking to buy yellow corn Источник: eWorldTrade

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of catering for cadets. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of Cupcakes for Gala Evening: Beverages and Refreshments. Specifications: - 100 Enzyme Units x Cupcakes for Gala Evening; 100 variety cup cakes, individually pack in a box, Jumbo vanilla cup cakes with icing of assorted colours, Cupcake size to be 6cm high x 8cm wide (excluding the size of the icing topping), 100 cupcake boxes individual, 10 x 10cm box size. Delivery Date: 2024/09/23, Delivery To: Sport and Recreation - Maintenance Planning Plant, Delivery Address: Cape Town. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Tools & Machinery: Supply of honeywell two pen recorder for Mitchell"s Plain WWTW Basins. Specification: • Supply honeywell circular chart recorder DR4312-0000-G0100-0000-0000-00-000-00 or equivalent 10" circular paper chart two input two pen with VFD display and keypad standard latch grey door; • Output single 4 -20 Milliamp; • Universal power: 230Vac; • Totalizer function on one pen mounting brackets charts and pen. Delivery Date: 2024/09/13. Delivery to Mitchells Plain - Treatment Works, Mitchells Plain. Delivery Address: Mitchells Plain WWTW, WST. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement of contract number: GD12500071: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Tools & Machinery: - 3 each x Wire spiral brush (10mm dia.); - 3 each x Spanners 7 to 17mm; - 3 each x Allen keys (standard set); - 3 each x 2.5 x 0.4mm tip slotted flat head screwed; - 3 each x 6mm slotted flat head screwdriver (magnet); - 3 each x PH3 Phillips screwdriver (magnetic tip); - 3 each x PH4 Phillips screwdriver (magnetic tip); - 3 each x 40cm toolbox (approximate dimensions 400; - 3 each x 0 to 8 bar dial pressure gauge; - 3 each x 0 to 16 bar dial pressure gauge - 3 each x Flexible coiled pressure hose (16 bar rated); - 3 each x Ratchet set + 75mm extension bar; - 3 each x Nylon pipe cutter (35mm); - 3 each x Adjustable c-hook spanner; - 3 each x Bearing puller; - 4 each x Magnetic name tag badges. Specifications: - Wire spiral brush (10mm dia.) Tube cleaning spiral wire brush 10mm diameter, steel bristles; - Spanners 7 to 17mm Open ended spanner set 7mm to 17mm, Chrome Vanadium Steel material; - Allen keys (standard set) L-Shaped Allen key set 13 pieces, hexagon ball key set size from 1.5mm to 10mm, chrome vanadium steel; - 2.5 x 0.4mm Tip slotted flat head screwdriver (magnetic tip) 2.5 x 0.4mm tip slotted flat head screwdriver with magnetic tip, Chrome Vanadium Steel material; - 6mm Slotted flat head screwdriver (magnetic tip) 6mm flat headed slotted blade screwdriver with magnetic tip, Chrome Vanadium Steel material; - PH3 Phillips Screwdriver (magnetic tip); - PH3 Phillips standard screwdriver, minimum 150mm blade length. Steel Chrome vanadium blade finish material; - PH4 Phillips Screwdriver (magnetic tip); - PH4 Phillips standard screwdriver, minimum 200mm blade length, Steel Chrome Vanadium; - 40cm toolbox (approximate dimensions 400 x 245 x 200 mm) Plastic Toolbox 40cm (minimum dimensions 400 x 245 x 200mm); - 0 to 8 bar Dial pressure gauge Pressure Gauge 63mm dial diameter, 0 to 8 bar dial pressure gauge, bottom entry connection ¼inch with BSP layered thread including brass quick insert coupler (1/4-inch female thread) IP65 rating; - 0 to 16 bar Dial pressure gauge Pressure Gauge 63mm dial diameter, 0 to 16 bar dial pressure gauge, bottom entry connection ¼inch with BSP layered thread including brass quick insert coupler (1/4-inch female thread). IP65 rating; - Flexible coiled pressure hose greater than 1 meter length and 16 bar rated, with male and female quick release couplings attached; - Ratchet Set + 75mm extension bar Full ratchet set, 1/4 inch, including 75mm extension bar, Chrome Vanadium Steel Nylon Pipe Cutter (35mm); - Nylon pipe cutter, 35mm, Alloy Steel Adjustable C-hook Spanner; - Adjustable C-Hook Spanner, 50 - 120mm jaw capacity, Chrome Vanadium Steel Bearing Puller High Grade Steel Lever Press Bearing Puller, 200mm capacity; - Magnetic Name Tag Badges 13mm x 45mm rectangle steel with two neodymium magnets; - Spanners 7 to 17mm; - Allen keys (standard set); - 2.5 x 0.4mm Tip slotted flat head screwed; - 6mm Slotted flat head screwdriver (magnet); - PH3 Phillips Screwdriver (magnetic tip); - PH4 Phillips Screwdriver (magnetic tip); - 40cm toolbox (approximate dimensions 400); - 0 to 8 bar Dial pressure gauge; - 0 to 16 bar Dial pressure gauge; - Flexible coiled pressure hose (16 bar rated); - Ratchet Set + 75mm extension bar; - Nylon Pipe Cutter (35mm); - Adjustable C-hook Spanner; - Bearing puller. Delivery date: 2024/09/30. Delivery to: TS - Water Services TSWS. Delivery address: TSWS, Cape Town. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Department of Public Works, Regional office, Pretoria invites tenders to dislodge 4 septic tanks at Water Affairs, Roodeplaat. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS