Addendum: Amendment to closing date. Quotations are hereby requested for the following: Appointment of a multi-disciplinary professional team to undertake a precinct plan for Culemborg, Port of Cape Town for a period of six (6) months or until completion of works. Specifications: Deliverables: The phases of the development should include (but not be limited to) the following topics: 1. A project inception report, which set out the project execution plan and reports on how the stages of the project will be implemented, 2. A status quo report of the property, environment, infrastructure, roads, rail, etc, 3. A Scenario Evaluation Framework Report, which sets out alternative scenarios that may be developed for the precinct and quantifies the extent of development potential of the precinct and associated capital costs, 4. The Precinct Plan and associated reports should include but not limited to: 4.1. A strategic context key planning policy directives and Legislation, 4.2. Spatial vision, goals, and objective, 4.3. Architectural impressions of the proposed development to provide a futuristic view of the precinct in various formats, 4.4. Key site informants, 4.5. Key structuring elements, 4.6. Financial assessment associated with the implementation of the development, including a cost benefit analysis, 4.7. Implementation strategy and phasing of the Development process and legislative requirements, 4.8. The Plan should include the following within its final report: a) Detailed precinct plan, b) Detailed land use plan, c) Urban design guidelines, d) General spatial development guidelines for the precinct, e) Landscape plan and plant palette, f) Bulk and internal precinct services (including water reservoirs, water and sanitation distribution networks, electrical installations and distribution networks, roads, storm water, Telecoms, Fire storage and distribution, etc), g) Typical Road reserve cross-sections, h) Security and access; and i) Environmental and Heritage Study, 5. Some of the reports and documents to be used by the service provider include amongst others the following: 5.1. Culemborg Salt River Spatial Development Framework, 2010 Study, 5.2. Heritage Impact Assessment Report, 5.3. Geotechnical Report, 5.4. Port of Cape Town PDFP, 5.5. Draft Port of Cape Town Growth Strategy, 5.6. Integrated Municipal and District Spatial Development Framework Plans, 5.7. Municipal By-Laws in relation to traffic congestion and land-use, 5.8. Municipal Integrated Development Plans and Integrated Transport Plans, 5.9. Any other TNPA and regulatory requirements. (Тендер №110319440ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 110319440
Дата публикации: 04-09-2024


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