Bidders are hereby invited to submit proposals/quotations for service provider to conduct designer mentorship programme as per specification. Umzimvubu Local Municipality is looking for an accredited service provider to conduct a designer mentorship programme for six (6) local designers of Umzimvubu area for a period of fifteen days. Objectives of the Programme: • To improve the quality of products of the local designers, • Job creation and poverty alleviation, • To boost the local economy, • To assist the local designers to graduate from emerging to commercial designers, • To enhance the skill, creativity and innovation, • To get the maximum exposure of the designers. The designer mentorship programme will cover the following for areas: 1. Technical skills: a) Conduct Skills Audit of Participants, b) Programme design and developments, c) One on one Mentorship, d) Marketing and Selling, e) Quality management & Control, f) Business plan development, g) Pattern Making, h) Merchandising, i) Communication and presentation skills, j) Costing a collection, k) In-Retail Business Strategies, l) Final Collection (Work wear, School Uniform, Church Uniform & Corporate Wear, Beadwork), 2. Business skills: a) Brand Management & Marketing, b) Personal Development, c) Financial Management, d) Business Plan, e) Export & Trade, f) Consumer Protection Act. NB: The service provider will have to provide accommodation inclusive of meals (Breakfast, Lunch & Supper) for the duration of the training & transport. Please note that this quotation was published late. (Тендер №110528895ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 110528895
Дата публикации: 08-09-2024


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