Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Catering for Wellness Day. (Тендер №110766629ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 110766629
Дата публикации: 12-09-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Maintenance of submersible ... Источник: Central public Procurement portal India

Quotations are hereby invited from suppliers to supply and deliver materials for demarcation and numbering of market stalls within City of Joburg. Scope: 1. 20 litre golden yellow TP41 road marking paint x 70; 2. 20 litre white TP24 road marking paint x 40; 3. 20 litre red TP88 road marking paint x 30; 4. 20 litre black TP28 road marking paint x 20; 5. 75mm heavy duty paint brushes/academy x 48; 6. 50mm heavy duty paint brushes/academy x 60; 7. 25mm heavy duty paint brushes/academy x 75; 8. 75mm steel scrapers x 30; 9. Soft wire brush x 15; 10. Medium wire brush x 15; 11. 75mm steel stencil number 0-9 x 10; 12. 75mm steel stencil letters a-z x 5; 13. 5 litre thinners x 50; 14. 5 litre turps x 30; 15. 100 classic PVA roller complete x 50; 16. 5kg cotton waste x 40; 17. Hard brooms x 30; 18. Industrial soft brooms x 30; 19. Pairs smooth PVC knit wrist gloves x 50; 20. 5 litre spirits of salts x 40; 21. 5 litre universal undercoat x 10. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited from suppliers for the supply and delivery of minor assets for Langlaagte Depot and CBA Teams. Scope: 1. 10mm Glue guns x 25; 2. Building spades x 50; 3. Complete picks x 30; 4. Concrete steel wheel barrows x 20; 5. 14 pounds hammers x 8; 6. Steel garden racks x 20; 7. 750mm tile cutters x 7; 8. Measuring Wheels 32cm pro x 10; 9. 16cm measuring wheel x 6; 10. Laser distance meter GLM 20 x 20; 11. Bolt cutter 900mm x 5. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Office partitioning at the Joburg Tourism Company (JTC) Offices. Scope: • Open plan (Partitioning and creating offices); • Office adjacent to CEO (subdivide into 2 or 3 offices) where acting audit executive sits; • Office adjacent to CEO (subdivide into 2 offices) where acting COSEC sits. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the repairs and maintenance of the council chamber at the Sandton Library. Scope: • Painting of office accommodation; • Installation of security upgrades such as welding of burglar bars, replacing and/or repairing of doors and locks. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a supplier to supply and deliver material to perform repairs at the Florida Civic Centre. Scope: 1. Beta valve complete bottom inlet x 10; 2. Air freshener refills x 30; 3. 20mm Johnson coupling x 5; 4. 32mm urinal waste fitting x 12; 5. 32mm urinal bottle trap chrome plated x 12; 6. 595 x 595mm panel LED lights x 150; 7. 15mm flexi connector x 10; 8. White wooden toilet seat x 15; 9. 4 x 4 double plug x 10; 10. 500g normal putty x 5; 11. 100mm cascade clamp x 4; 12. 20mm cascade clamp x 4; 13. Complete cylinder lock x 20; 14. 50mm x 10m Denso tape x 2; 15. 22mm Conex male adaptor x 10; 16. 22mm Conex elbow x 10. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS