Tenders are hereby invited for electrical services needed at Piketberg roads camp. (Тендер №112288222ru)

Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 112288222
Дата публикации: 16-10-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Bids are hereby invited for the supply of telecom equipment and accessories. Items are to be delivered to the clients offices worldwide. Please confirm the closing date and time as it was not published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for a panel of service providers (Consulting engineers and contractors) for the refurbishment and replacement of water services infrastructure in the municipality for a period of 3 years. NB: This is a panel of four service providers (Consultant and Contractor). The scope entails the following: - To refurbish and deteriorated main water pipelines, - To replace deteriorated water pipes, - To replace worn out pumps, - To replace worn out generators, - To replace stolen generators, - To ensure that the deteriorating bulk infrastructure are replaced to ensure continuous and uninterrupted water supply to the consumers, - Upgrading of old and dilapidated water services infrastructure, - Replacement of old and dilapidated reservoirs, - Upgrading of existing water services infrastructure, - Exploration of additional water sources (drilling of boreholes and assessment of surface water sources), - Equipping of new boreholes as part of refurbishment of the scheme, - Building of new pump houses or generator rooms, - Implementation of refurbishment projects funded through MIG 10% and WSIG, - Replacement of old and dilapidated pipes infrastructure, - Construction or erection of new reservoirs or tanks, - Construction or erection of new reservoirs or tanks, - Replacement of major control valves, - Construction of the valve chambers where necessary, - Drilling of new boreholes to replace collapsed of dysfunctional boreholes, - Replacement of electric control panels and installation of new power supply facilities. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the appointment of a suitable remedial works waterproofing specialist for House Leo 6 Tsitsikamma Close, Clara Anna Fontein, Durbanville, Western Cape. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited to break open wall to create door, partitioning, electrification and painting at Griekwastad Satellite Office of the Frances Baard District. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for painting of family chalets in Mountain Zebra National Park. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the appointment of accredited contractors for general building routine, preventative, and reactive maintenance for the provincial offices for a period of two (2) years. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS