Re-advertisement of contract number: MLM/FIN/002/2024/25: The Client hereby invites prospective service provider to submit bids for the following: Procurement and installation of assets verification system for a period 24 months. Scope: The successful bidder will be expected to procure and install of asset verification system that will be able to do the following: - Provide 4 x programmable handheld devices with Wi-Fi, GPS, Camera, Bluetooth and Mobile network capabilities; - Scanners must be able to conduct asset verification of movable and immovable assets; - Integrate Hand-held devices with Solar Financial System Asset Module in order to update the module with information collected during the process of asset verification; - Storage Memory to store 10 000 assets information. Minimum storage of 2TB; - Ability to print out inventory sheets for offices; - Report on verification discrepancies in real-time; - Users should be able to update asset information during asset verification run and information should be the update the asset module on Solar (Location, Custodian, Condition etc.); - Do monthly stock stake of inventory stock items using scanners and print out of a report monthly; - Design and provide labels and bin cards for inventory stock to enable the scanning of stock items; - A demonstration of the operation of the scanners before closure of the project is a mandatory requirement. (Тендер №112674073ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 112674073
Дата публикации: 22-10-2024
Окончание подачи заявок через: 26 дней


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The Department of the Premier invites Expression of Interest from Non-Profit Organization"s (NPOs) to partner with the client in rendering the WCG eCentre Programme. As the Delivery Partner for the WCG eCentre programme, the selected NPO will contribute to the digital empowerment of rural, poor, and marginalized communities through our 79 eCentres across the province and a pilot Mobile eCentre. A Transfer Payment Agreement with agreed deliverables and a project plan will govern the partnership which may be renewed annually for a three-year period. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement of contract number: CI-GK-0031/1: The Client invites tenders for upgrade of existing sewer system and construction of a new wastewater treatment plant & water purification plant at Lilydale Rest Camp in Mokala National Park. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited to repair jetting machine broken pipe (V1672). Scope of work: - Vehicle number and registration: V1672 - FLJ353X, - VIN number: ADTT118TMPV000049, - Vehicle description: V1672 Jetting machine. Specifications: - Supply and fit Agri-Tech Jet cleaning, - 1 inch BP 500 Bar WP 200 BA, - 2 – 2022 Lot 220512/13, - Supply and fit pipe nozzles x 2, - Replace pipe fittings. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for provision of a drop safe, Vulindlela, qty: 1: - G-trap top, - Drop size: 95 x 215 x 95 mm (180mm when drawer is pulled out), - Patent keyless design that maintains security, - With three keys. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provide for the upskilling of unemployed graduate with learners and drivers licenses: Training operating grant x 27. Training offered as follows: - Learners, number of participants: 27, - Driver’s license, 50 driving lessons: Code 8/10, number of participants: 27. Programme Facilitation: - The Programme will be presented as a training session, with all the topics covered through theoretical session, practical session and evaluation session, - Training (Learners and driving lessons) conducted at the facilitator’s venue. The Training venue should be in a position to accommodate at least a minimum of twenty seven (27) students per session. The facilitator to provide learners with the following resources: - Learners study material (K53), - Training venue, - Facilitation, - Training and testing of learners, getting them ready to write learners test by Department of Transport, - Driving Lessons maximum of 50 (Code 8 / Code 10), - Booking of test (Learners and Driver’s license), - Make provision for a vehicle for taking driving lessons, - Provide a vehicle for assessment / test in obtaining driver’s license, - A learner be offered with two chances to go for test. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the cutting of trees and herbicide control in East Central Arterial and John Ross Highway to cnr Hibberd. Specifications: - Tree Cutting and Pruning using the chainsaw, - Application of herbicide, - The contractor shall cut trees and clear vegetation, 4M on both sides of the road for a specified area. Apply herbicide for control on the cleared area, - The product to be applied must be systemic and residual herbicide for pre-and post-emergence control of a wide spectrum of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and grasses. The recommended active ingredients/product to be used for the purpose of this contract is the following: - Glyphosate isopropyl amine salt 240g/L, - Glyphosate acid 180g/L, - Terbuthylazine 345g/l, - formulated as one product. The contractor shall provide adequate barricades, flag person(s), signs and/or warning devices during the performance of the Contract to protect the motorists and pedestrians. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS