Quotations are hereby requested to appoint a Service Provider (SP) for advanced fish farmer and aquaponics course. Specifications: Courses: • Biosecurity Protocols, • Breeding’s, • Fish Anatomy, • Water Quality Management, • Types of aquaculture systems, • Legislations, • Crop selections, • System Management Educate aquatic animal health, • Stock Management Educate the aquatic animal health, • Types of feed in aquaculture. (Тендер №112906428ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 112906428
Дата публикации: 25-10-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Improvement of Jalukpara Road by providing DBM BC and RCC Drain cum Footpath including road furniture etc for the year 2024 25 Источник: Central public Procurement portal India

Renewal Coat Macadamization on road Kohag to Bhatodi Package No JK07-75 Phase-IX Block Duggain, District Kathua (Length 20.00 Kms) under Incentive Funding 2024-25 Источник: Central public Procurement portal India

Informal tenders are hereby invited for courier services: - Collect and transport of one parcel to Cape Town, Unit: Each, Quantity: 1, - Courier services and transport of two parcels to Cape Town, Unit: Each, Quantity: 1, - Courier and transport of three parcels to Cape Town, Unit: Each, Quantity: 1. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the Supply and deliver laundry chemicals, cleaning chemicals, hygiene products, and cleaning equipment “on an as and when required” basis at Kruger National Park for a period of five (5) years. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the Supply and Delivery of Bearings, Housing and Seal Spares for Medupi Power Station for a period of 5 years. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the provision of Stress Electrocardiogram (ECG) Medical Test Services. The client requires service providers to carry out a Stress electrocardiogram (ECG) medical test for occupational health medical surveillance screening. This test will only be conducted when requested by an Occupational Medical Practitioner (OMP) or Lead Occupational Health Practitioner. The stress ECG medical test will be rendered on an as-and-when-required basis in line with the stress ECG referral procedure for employees who are classified as high-risk. The service provider will be responsible for: - Ensure that appropriate professional assessment and diagnosis of employees undergoing stress ECG medical screening are done; - Provide a detailed report with recommendations for consideration required; - All results and stress ECG reports must be signed off by the doctor who conducted the test; - It is mandatory and critical for the service provider to have the capacity to accommodate the high number of employees during peak operational seasons turnaround projects; - Must arrange stand-in personnel when going on leave; - Results must be emailed to PetroSA medical staff and copies given to employees as a backup plan. NB: All stress ECG medical requests/bookings must be accommodated within 5 days. Feedback reports must be issued within 3 days. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS