Bids are hereby invited for training from accredited service providers for the facilitation of an accredited high angle rescue course. Scope: Conduct Single-Person High Angle I Rope Rescue (High Angle Rescue) course for the client: - Unit standard 115216: conduct single-person high angle I rope rescue (NQF level 5 – 6 credits), - The course is targeted for fifty (50) officials who must be able to access areas using single person rope work skills, lower equipment and rig basic systems in a safe and efficient manner as part of their job functions, - The training will be conducted in 5 groups consisting of 10 officials. Pre-requisites for the training are Mathematical literacy and Communication skills at NQF Level 4. No Claustrophobia or Acrophobia. (Тендер №113175116ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 113175116
Дата публикации: 30-10-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Picatinny Hoist Maintenance Источник: Federal Business Opportunities

Javni poziv za kandidiranje za člana nadzornega sveta družbe Kobilarna Lipica d.o.o. Источник: Služba Vlade Republike Slovenije za razvoj in evropsko kohezijsko politiko

Тоног төхөөрөмж Источник: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Дулааны цахилгаан станцын 1 дүгээр зуухны уур халаагчийн 1,2 дугаар үеийг бүрэн солих Источник: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Төрийн албан ёсны бичиг Үндэсний бичиг рүү шилжихтэй холбоотой компанийн төв, нэгжийн байрны хаягийг шинэчлэх Источник: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Quotations are hereby invited for training: Accredited service providers for the facilitation of the Asbestos Abatement Regulations 2022 Awareness Workshop for 20 officials. Target group: The workshop is targeted for twenty (20) officials. The workshop will be conducted in 2 groups consisting of 10 officials. Course scope & methodology: The training provider must be accredited by a recognized and relevant SAQA body and should be able to cover the following aspects: i. Workshop contents should be in line with the National Qualification Framework (NQF), ii. The workshop must be at least NQF Level 4 accredited and Unit Standard aligned by a recognized and relevant ETQA as well as the training provider to facilitate the course, iii. Proof of accreditation as an accredited training provider and more specifically accreditation to provide the required unit standards must accompany the bid, iv. Training content should at least cover all three competency levels (practical, foundational and reflective) and the provider will be required to formally assess every learner for competency and to issue learners with certificates of competence, v. Proof of the accreditation status of the facilitator (s) and assessor (s) who will be responsible for the training facilitation and assessment of learners, must be included in the bid, vi. CV’s of the training facilitator (s) and assessor (s) who will be responsible for the project, indicating their qualifications and experience with previous similar training projects must be included in the bid, vii. The bid must include a detailed work plan and proposed methodology that will be followed by the service provider as well as quality assurance system (s) which will be put in place by the service provider to achieve the training requirements and objectives, viii. A list of contactable references to whom similar training has previously been provided by the service provider must be included in the bid, ix. The provider will be responsible to provide all training and assessment material, x. Training will be conducted on the client’s premises at the Skills Training Centre, Paarl. Learning objectives: The workshop should at least cover the following aspects: i. Scope and application of the Asbestos Abatement Regulations (2022), ii. Identification and keeping of inventory of asbestos in the workplace, iii. Asbestos risk assessment and risk management plan, iv. Duty to provide information, instruction and training, v. Control of exposure to asbestos and the duties of persons who may be exposed, vi. Notification of asbestos work, vii. Duties of asbestos client for asbestos work, viii. Duties of registered asbestos contractor for asbestos work, ix. Duties of approved inspection authorities for asbestos work, x. The occupational exposure limit (OEL) and its meaning, xi. The importance of air monitoring and medical surveillance, xii. The importance of personal protective equipment and facilities, xiii. The contents of plans of work regarding the handling, removal and temporary storage of any asbestos-containing material, xiv. The correct use of control measures to limit the spread of asbestos dust outside the regulated asbestos area, xv. The control measures to limit the exposure of employees inside the regulated asbestos area, xvi. Procedures to be followed in the event of accidental spillage, disturbance or any other similar emergency situation likely to result in the release of asbestos dust, xvii. Procedures for reporting and correcting failures of control measures likely to result in the release of asbestos dust, and xviii. The safe disposal of asbestos waste, xix. Legal implications of non-compliance. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS